hoppin chickies

Isnin, 31 Ogos 2009

fittin' in into Uitm...

Fittin' in...maybe others da fit in lme dlu..
tp izan blom lg...still having homesick every week???? What's that? but i juz can't help it...what's goin' on??? I'm teribbly puzzled!!!!!!!
I wanna feel at home kat Uitm...I wanna feel happie n enjoy izan punye Uni life dgn my fwens...i think i can 'msok' in co-ed but i still awkward when it comes to guy thing...not luvvy duvvy thing but getting 2gether as a classmates. there even a boy in my class who refuse to look me in d eyes when i talk 2 him..
again..what's that??? That is really really really terribly suck...
I wanna be friend with them...juz like a how i mingle with my girlfriend...
when test are comin'..I barely study but thankfully i can pass it with average...
I wanna be a 4 flat student but i seem to don't have any mood to do my study....I must quit!!!!!
I'm depressed!!!!!! I confused with wht i really want to do....help me!!!!
izan nak tempoh blik carefree school life yg sgt happie tu...
xpayah nak risau pape...kat skool dlu best sgt..especially ble classmates sume sgt supporting n sronok...kuar g tandas sbb nak escape from jwb soalan addmath kat board or nk escape dr soalan cepu emas Pn Tan...still igt ape yg Pn Tan ckp stiap kli lpas dpt result Ekonomi asas.."u all bkan xpndai cume plain laziness!"....n bnde yg ktorg plg suke buat..makan dlm kelas, cikgu ajar kat depan, ktorg sume mengunyah kat blakang...hahaha...xpon klo xde bnde nak mkn..ktorg o'coz pass notes...physically we all seen to paying our fullest attention but actually our mind have flew beyond the classroom wall and out to the blue sky...my sis used to tell me that uni life is the best part of their life but to me school life are better...happier and sooo carefree...
but we can't stay at certain period of our life al the time..do we?
life must move on...

Jumaat, 28 Ogos 2009

My birthday present...it's never too late right?

on my last bday celebration, i was so happie byk giler hadiah izan dpt...

my dad n my mum bg me jam...chantek giler (atleast to me)... InsyaAllah izan akan jd anak yg bek n sntiase mnepati mase..especially waktu solat..my mummy bg towel..(significant btol...coz izan slalu ilang towel n buat mak pening crikkn towel utk izan...hahahahaha)Mama n pak long bg izan pencil case pink with a sexy kitty(sweet!!!) I like it very much....n my sister..no wonder la she keep on xbg izan bli cd TB tu rupenye die n bg as my bday gift..anyway thx sis luv u...Izan slalu dgr when i miss u...Out of nowhere, my sis nye friend all of sudden bg me lg satu jam cme nie jam meja la...cute n i like it soo much... last but not least, Ainie, my beautiful roommates, Ainie bg izan keychain Pony(pink colour) I totally n sincerely love it very much...sooooo cute!!!!!

Time kaseh to semua yg bg izan hadiah..appreciate sesgt....!!!

My bday celebration is a very quiet family affair..my dad bce doa n we all makan..simple sgt but i like it that way..
and at last Izan dpr kek 4segi yg izan nak dr thun lpas lg...So grateful...

anyway, izan happie giler la on tht day....weeee:)

Khamis, 27 Ogos 2009


first time berbuke bkn kat umah...huhuhu..
sedih je.. tp nk buat cane da kne study kan?
tp nseb bek xjauh dr umah so kdg2 bleh blik...
Arnie, tasha and adlin adlah roommates yg sgt supporting..
sgt sronok ble dorg ade...
always faham izan..
skenye ngn dorg..korg izan syg kat korg sgt...hope we best friend till the end...Amin!!!
today izan buat presentation psal ballet...izan prasan sume lelaki cam xbrape nk suke...
lelaki klo suke ballet tu mybe ade sumthing wrong sumwhere..hahaha..
tp ble izzad n wan buat psal man u td..izan plak xbrape suke so we're even...
tp most of all izan puas hati ngn izan punye presentation...i do it all by myself(adlin n arnie pon tlg gak)..
thx lg skali...
minggu dpan ade listening test untuk muet...
n esk ade plak kne antar malaysian government n politics nye presentation slide...
n petang ade plak test library skills and politics....hope bleh la jwb..byk sgt nak kne igt...
smoge ok je la esk...Amin..
kdg2 rse cam nak give up je fndation law nie tp hidup yg xde obstacles bkan hidup kn nmenye?
sabar jela....

Jumaat, 7 Ogos 2009

tomorrow is my 18th birthday.....happie birthday to me!!!!!!
I'm so grateful because during my 18 years of living in this surface of this wonderful Earth.. I never encounter anything terrible..
I'm blessed with a grat family and friends... N they never failed to surprise me on my birthday and that make me feel I'm a special person on this very special day...
but suddenly I think about a less fortunate people in some other places in the exact same time who might born today but didn't feel the same way i feel and I feel sad 4 them n hope one day they will experience what I experience....AMIN YA RABBAL AL AMIN.....
back to me...
I made a list that I really terribly want to do after I'm 18 :

1. I want to take my driver's licence ( i feel more confident!!!)
2. I really want to visit Singapore(please don't ask why bcoz i not sure why)
3. I want to learn french...Love de to'i
4. I want to live my life to the fullest and do things based on my perspectives.
5. I want to learn ballroom dance...
6. bla...bla....bla....n the list go on...

I hope i will succesfully able to do all of those thing...

at last this week ended n d special day coming....!!!!!

this week byk sgt bnde yg blaku...
my bro fly g dubai....
g men squash kat komp. sukan 4 d first time...n yg klakar nye..
lpas je men squash tu stu badan saket...balik klas trus baring kat katil xlarat nak bgn ..jnji nak kuar ngn syuk pon xjd... bengkak tgn....da lame sgt x bsukan... gagagagaga!!!!! xtaw la pasni nak g men ke x lg....
(stu bola squash telah bjaya di 'lekatkn' oleh Nursyaizan Jasni kat ceiling komp. sukan)
dgn slambenye msok klas Pak Rahim 1/2 jam lmbat dgn pakai wedges 4 inci...
ble jlan sume org bkan pndang muke tp pandang kaki.. mybe dorg wonder cne bdak nie bleh larat pakai wdges tu(agak je!)
n lg satu berus bju bleh plak hilang....klakar btol..
dlm byk2 bnde len..berus bju tu jgak yg org tu nak amek...
tp this week mmg sronok n happening habes la..
hope syuk dpt realisasikan impian die untk blikn izan stroller utk djdikan transport utk ke kelas....
hahahahahhahaa....murah sggh hati kwanku yg sorg nie...smoga rezekimu sntiasa murh...