hoppin chickies

Ahad, 23 Mei 2010

rubbish!! that's my current language..

yes..I'm about to talk rubbish..
Bare with it or you can just click the red button at the right edge of this page..

there is a story about this 3 year old girl who like to pick flower and give it to her grandmother everytime she go to visit her..one day, on her way to visit her beloved granddaughter, she came across a big blue shoes..then this 30 year old guy wear that shoes n suddenly she turn into a beautiful transgender and this guy-turn-girl straight away rushing to the grand ball at the Bloody Mary mansion then he dances with the prince charming however at 1515 hours, this cinderella wannabe rush back to her bakery to bake some sour dough but then she discover that she ran out of jelly so she go back to the mansion and dance again..suddenly she remember that she have an important first date with Andrew. So, she start to eat ice cream and having a major brain freeze so after that the prince charming kiss her passionately and both of them turn ito a frog and start to lay eggs at the loch ness..and they live happily ever after but still they wish to meet eye-to-eye with the loch ness monster..

so end of the story...

Ahad, 2 Mei 2010

Izan xspatutnye buat bende tu!! Oh tidak!!

why Izan?? Why??

knape mesti izan langgar that promise?? promise yg U buat sendri kat urself???susah sgt ke nk resist those temptations??

YES!! GILA SUSAH!! those eyeliner, lipgloss n sunblock tu mcm essentials kn??
a must-have thig right??

so it's like xsalah kn?? lipgloss n sunblock help prevent chapped lip n uva n uvb from damaging ur skin..
n eyeliner help ur eyes look bigger n brighter..so it have a lot of benefit..
so x membazir kan??

GREAT!! Izan xde reason to feel guilty right??
right?? right??


so, case close!!!