hoppin chickies

Rabu, 11 November 2009

Izan definitely don't belong to be with them.....

 They smile back at you when u smile at them n they make us feel we can be around them but the better u know them the more u know that u don't belong with them coz they will end up make u feel inferior and it is terribly hard to be in the same level with them...it sad...so so terribly sad...!!!

Ahad, 1 November 2009

kenduri..kenduri n kenduri....

penatnyer...tulah ungkapan yg kuar dr mulut izan...huhuhu penat abes..
basuh pinggan n cawan, lap pinggan n cawan, potong sayur, potong tembikai, n bmacm2 keje lg...
kak Anis dtg umah arinie tolong msak..sian plak kat die coz dtg2 je trus kne buat keje..but we hv fun together2..huhuhuhu (izan rse la)...along ade soh amek gmbr n ltak kat facebook..tp ampun along adek mu ini penat sgt kesana kesini smpai xsempat nak amek gmbr...btw izan pkai bju kurung cotton n tudung merah..hahahaha..joking!! know u not interested pon...Anas pon dtg gak..Anas yg tinggi sperti biasa nmpak plik plak ble die pkai kopiah tu..sowie Anas but i'm juz being honest...sronok gak ble ade bkawan ngn kak Anis n Anas tu...huhuhu..atleast trubat rindu kat along n angah...Kak Anis ckp along terlmpau excited smpai bgn kol 5 pgi(wlaupun die kat Yemen n kendurinye kat Msia)..ish23x..xpe along nnt ble along da blek kte buat kenduri besar ye..so along bleh bgn kol 3 pagi plak coz over excited..cmne? cun x idea izan? hahahaha..

tp penat tu cm hilang plak ble msok blik izan..bilik yg tlah diberi sentuhan bru tu cm sgt mnyamankan....wah..bermadah plak..hahahaha..but Its the truth I tell u...O.o..
anyway..hope tonight dpt la a very berry good night sleep as the b4 night x dpt shut eyes yg cukup..letih bdan rsenye...ciao!