hoppin chickies

Sabtu, 24 Disember 2011

breakfast + lunch + minum petang = no dinner but boleh jamu mata dengan kaki lelabah

Spiderman once said, ' Great power comes with great responsibility'
I love that quotes cause sangat well said and no one can ever say a quotes better than that when it comes to something related to power and responsibility sebab Izan experiencing it right at the moment.

recently Izan dilantik as Ketua Post Program Inspirasi ( Hari Keluarga Aminuddin Baki)
when I told my friend yang I handle program, their expression macam sekata je..sama je semua 
"woah, program kot, susah tu!"
and I will reply with a simple nod and smile followed by "yup!"

Thanks sangat sebab mengingatkan Izan how hard it's going to be and make my fear level that the program going to end up being a sucky suck suck event is escalating with every same expression my friends made..
at first, Izan setuju nak pegang jawatan tu because dapat LC dan dorongan kerakusan nak cepat completekan LC mendadak.
but suddenly after few meeting with the MT and other Ketua Post (kp), I start to realize I was sucked into a black hole with no chance of coming out of it..
Never knew that completing an LC for my AJK is the hardest thing that I will ever do yet in my life and at some points you can end up dead!!
The MT want the LC siap..I don't have any problem with that at all tapi when banyak sangat last minutes amendments...Hidup tunggang-langgang!!
I even skip my breakfast, my lunch, and combine it all  during my time for minum petang which this will cause me rase kenyang sampai malam and cause me skipping my dinner just for those LC..
so I will end up have only one meal for a day which is sooooooooo not healthy..
it drive me totally insane and my body is terribly tired!!
I have to run here and there, print a new front page, I even did something totally illegal, edit sini sana..
can u imagine, my room is at K6Q 113, hujung dunia sana bersama monyet dan kelawar, nak print kat kedai tok or even worse kat pusanika, although ada jalan belakang, the walking still need energy..
Izan kena panjat tangga, turun naik tangga and berlari-lari kuda demi menyiapkan LC yang tercinta..
penat sangat and sometimes I lost my breath and living breathless (what kind of exaggeration is that izan??)..
but despite that yes I'm still breathing and very well alive..
so it's the perfect time for my other favourite quote which is :

'what doesn't kill you, only make you stronger'

I am stronger now, my thigh muscles is way more toned than last couple of week and I even can endure not eating for the whole day ( again, what kind of exaggeration is that izan?? too much already!!)..I'm stronger, seriously..

AND what makes me even stronger bertungkus lumus nak siapkan those LC and hantar on time is that spidery long legs guy yang menjadi perangsang untuk menyiapkan setiap kerja yang tergendala..sangat blessed dia kerana telah diberi kaki yang panjang..Subhanallah panjangnye kaki dia..I can't take my eyes off his leggy leg ditambah pula dengan ketampanan muka dia, sangat mencairkan hati umpama ice cream dipanah cahaya mentari panas terik tengahari! Can you imagine a guy with that kind of hotness??

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