hoppin chickies

Ahad, 17 Mac 2013

the 'WHEN' question...

Hey you! Assalammualaikum :)

Well, i have already told you that both of my elder siblings is married right?
You know, i was sooo excited to welcome new family members, and yes I will welcome a niece this May and I'm going to be Auntie Sya!! Being an aunt at 22? not that bad I guess plus I have always fond of children. I am always amazed with their imagination and pureness. So sweet! And how they can imagine a simple rock to be a cave and an old comforter as a tent and whenever they in their backyards and imagine that they actually in a jungle is totally bizarre! 

I love kids! I even dream of owning a Montessori of my own. Working with children is fun i guess.
so a definite YES for a niece!! 

So , they are married. Happiely married and i couldn't be happier for them. But the problem IS, when you are the last child of the family and you are an adult and not yet married, will come another problem. The 'when' question...

When my brother my got married, during his wedding reception, my sister was the one who been bugged with the question and I am the happie-happie girl going around being the youngest. But my sister have an answer which at that time is , " bulan dua tahun depan" as she already engaged at that time. AND a year later, on my sister wedding reception, it is my turn to be bug with the question, but this time I am super single and was not engaged to anyone. So I don't have an exact answer. I hate it when my relatives come to me with a smiling faces and just simply ask me, " izan bila lagi?" But at that time, i just endured it thinking that after this reception, i will never get to answer that question again. WRONG!!

Well, my relatives is now happiely at their homes, doing chores and doing their jobs and whatnots. And they didn't ask me the 'when' question anymore and I'm happie at the thoughts of it. But my happie-ness ruined once my sister and my brother start to come out with the exact question!!!! Right now I can't just simply pop up any guys name in front of my sister face. because she will end up thinking i have a crush on that exact person. And if she was the one who will send me to my class, i will be showered with the question too!!         ' When do you want to have a boyfriend, OMG!! I am so excited!' 


If i really know what Allah SWT has planned for me, trust me I will give you the most truthful answer!then comes my brother. Ok fine, i did kept someone pictures in my handphone but i forgot that my dearest big brother looooooooooved to do some crime scene investigation on it so I wrongfully and negligently let him hold my phone and  hesaw a picture he not suppose to look. And suddenly one fine fine super fine day, while I'm watching some telly, he called me all the way from China just to ask me who that person in the picture are..MY GOODNESS! When i refuse to answer, he will say 'ok, ok, along xtanya da' but then he ask in a different way, 'is he a medic student or a law student?' when i refuse again then he will ask in another different way, ' dah kerja ke?' or 'umur dia berapa' as if I am going to be caught in a tricky question. The other day, I was super alone, like nobody is with me and I went to midvalley to make some shopping and watch movie and while I was waiting for my theatre room (is that what they really called it?) to open, my phone was ringing n guess who? MY BROTHER! Again with his tricky question. ' kau sorang je ke? sapa nama kawan kau tu? 

Owh come on!!! stop it already!!

Well, i have an answer for your question : I will have a boyfriend when I have a boyfriend.


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