on my last bday celebration, i was so happie byk giler hadiah izan dpt...
my dad n my mum bg me jam...chantek giler (atleast to me)... InsyaAllah izan akan jd anak yg bek n sntiase mnepati mase..especially waktu solat..my mummy bg towel..(significant btol...coz izan slalu ilang towel n buat mak pening crikkn towel utk izan...hahahahaha)Mama n pak long bg izan pencil case pink with a sexy kitty(sweet!!!) I like it very much....n my sister..no wonder la she keep on xbg izan bli cd TB tu rupenye die n bg as my bday gift..anyway thx sis luv u...Izan slalu dgr when i miss u...Out of nowhere, my sis nye friend all of sudden bg me lg satu jam cme nie jam meja la...cute n i like it soo much... last but not least, Ainie, my beautiful roommates, Ainie bg izan keychain Pony(pink colour) I totally n sincerely love it very much...sooooo cute!!!!!
Time kaseh to semua yg bg izan hadiah..appreciate sesgt....!!!
My bday celebration is a very quiet family affair..my dad bce doa n we all makan..simple sgt but i like it that way..
and at last Izan dpr kek 4segi yg izan nak dr thun lpas lg...So grateful...
and at last Izan dpr kek 4segi yg izan nak dr thun lpas lg...So grateful...
anyway, izan happie giler la on tht day....weeee:)
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