Fittin' in...maybe others da fit in lme dlu..
tp izan blom lg...still having homesick every week???? What's that? but i juz can't help it...what's goin' on??? I'm teribbly puzzled!!!!!!!
I wanna feel at home kat Uitm...I wanna feel happie n enjoy izan punye Uni life dgn my fwens...i think i can 'msok' in co-ed but i still awkward when it comes to guy thing...not luvvy duvvy thing but getting 2gether as a classmates. there even a boy in my class who refuse to look me in d eyes when i talk 2 him..
again..what's that??? That is really really really terribly suck...
I wanna be friend with them...juz like a how i mingle with my girlfriend...
when test are comin'..I barely study but thankfully i can pass it with average...
I wanna be a 4 flat student but i seem to don't have any mood to do my study....I must quit!!!!!
I'm depressed!!!!!! I confused with wht i really want to do....help me!!!!
izan nak tempoh blik carefree school life yg sgt happie tu...
xpayah nak risau pape...kat skool dlu best sgt..especially ble classmates sume sgt supporting n sronok...kuar g tandas sbb nak escape from jwb soalan addmath kat board or nk escape dr soalan cepu emas Pn Tan...still igt ape yg Pn Tan ckp stiap kli lpas dpt result Ekonomi asas.."u all bkan xpndai cume plain laziness!"....n bnde yg ktorg plg suke buat..makan dlm kelas, cikgu ajar kat depan, ktorg sume mengunyah kat blakang...hahaha...xpon klo xde bnde nak mkn..ktorg o'coz pass notes...physically we all seen to paying our fullest attention but actually our mind have flew beyond the classroom wall and out to the blue sky...my sis used to tell me that uni life is the best part of their life but to me school life are better...happier and sooo carefree...
but we can't stay at certain period of our life al the time..do we?
life must move on...