actually since yesterday, me, myself and I already planned a camwhoring session..
however, the session is retarded at the early stage coz suddenly my black selendang M.I.A...
(think of how shakespeare reciting one of his sonnet..that how i say these word!!)
then, after breaking sweat searching for my black selendang, I was so excited coz I thought that my camwhoring session is so on!!
jeng!! jeng!! jeng!!
guess what?? I stupidly left my beloved camera in my parents room and they already sleep silently!!
arghh!!! again my plan to camwhoring is retard!!
no worries!! If Allah S.W.T willing, tomorrow nvr die!!
After this, I will make sure all my appliances for camwhoring will be ready n no more M.I.A or misplaced aite!!
So, N u ready darling for our camwhoring session??
Hope u do darling coz u gonna love it big time!!
Ahad, 27 Disember 2009
Sabtu, 26 Disember 2009
i hv feeling to killed sumone..
i regain my sanity late this afternoon after hving a healthy dose of shopping...
as usual shopping session is great as usual...i buy sushi n green tea which lead to heaven on earth feeling..
cuci mate tgk pakwe2 yg separa jambu...
tp ble tgk pakwe2 n mamat2 jambu tu...izan suddenly tringat kat this one mamat yg I know..
tetibe rse bengang n marah filled izan punye heart!!!
hate but love him!!!
he make me happie n in the same exact time he annoyed me!!!
he make me smile n then he make me cry!!!
I wanna keep him but he will slip away!!!
how i am able to make him to obey me???
n stop hurting me???
but how???
idea jhat mule hinggap dlm otak xbrape geliga izan...
I think i wanna killed him n buried him at the back of my house
(look like i still not fully recover from my insanity)
can i killed him????
of coz not la darling!!! (fuh!! izan at last da fully recover n able to think rationally) yay me!!
Jumaat, 25 Disember 2009
it comes to chapter which called : fun and mental fundamental or izan xbrape btol
bomkebabo!!!!(bunyi otak izan bkecai!)
begitula sepertinye thap kexbtolan izan arinie...
i dun know whether it's true ke x but rumour has it...
the rumour says that izan da xbtol...
kajian tlah dlakukan ke serata merata tmpat (i've told u izan xbtol smpai tatabhase pon tunggang tblik da) demi utk mngkaji sebab musabab yg agak mnasabah n bleh dtrime pakai knape izan jadi bgini...
N yg sedari td ttido pon da tbangun coz kne kaco ngn izan..
dan kajian tlah menyatakan izan menghidapi sindrom kemalasan tahap gaban or kesronokan thap dewa kerna cuti sem...
amek phatian jika anda menghidapi simptom seperti brikut:
1. kulit limau ditinggalkan mrata2
2. kulit muka dn sluruh badan akan bsinar (terpengaruh ngn cite STARDUST)
3. makan 7-8 hdangan besar
4. sering brade dlm kekeliruan utk tgk cite ape kat tv..
5. perasan bhawa diri anda tu bintang n bkn mnusia biase(still tpengaruh ngn
6. batuk berbunyi
7. tdur ngn mte tertutup
8. bernafas melalui hidung n makan n minum melalui mulut
9. menaip dgn mnggunekn jari jemari
kepada sesiape yg dluar sne mempnyai simptom yg berikut atau ada sdare mare yg bau2 drian dknali ad simptom sila la bjumpe doktor!!! (arahan bkn dari kementerian kesihatan)
AMAIGADD!!!!better i just off bfore i talk anymore crap in here n humiliate my very own self..
bomkebabo!!!!(bunyi otak izan bkecai!)
begitula sepertinye thap kexbtolan izan arinie...
i dun know whether it's true ke x but rumour has it...
the rumour says that izan da xbtol...
kajian tlah dlakukan ke serata merata tmpat (i've told u izan xbtol smpai tatabhase pon tunggang tblik da) demi utk mngkaji sebab musabab yg agak mnasabah n bleh dtrime pakai knape izan jadi bgini...
N yg sedari td ttido pon da tbangun coz kne kaco ngn izan..
dan kajian tlah menyatakan izan menghidapi sindrom kemalasan tahap gaban or kesronokan thap dewa kerna cuti sem...
amek phatian jika anda menghidapi simptom seperti brikut:
1. kulit limau ditinggalkan mrata2
2. kulit muka dn sluruh badan akan bsinar (terpengaruh ngn cite STARDUST)
3. makan 7-8 hdangan besar
4. sering brade dlm kekeliruan utk tgk cite ape kat tv..
5. perasan bhawa diri anda tu bintang n bkn mnusia biase(still tpengaruh ngn
6. batuk berbunyi
7. tdur ngn mte tertutup
8. bernafas melalui hidung n makan n minum melalui mulut
9. menaip dgn mnggunekn jari jemari
kepada sesiape yg dluar sne mempnyai simptom yg berikut atau ada sdare mare yg bau2 drian dknali ad simptom sila la bjumpe doktor!!! (arahan bkn dari kementerian kesihatan)
AMAIGADD!!!!better i just off bfore i talk anymore crap in here n humiliate my very own self..
Khamis, 24 Disember 2009
adrenaline rush, ketidakhadaman n kegilaan nk g kuar jlan
Hie N...
Izan bru smalam blek umah...cuti sem da mule izan rse sgt buh-san!!!!
Izan nak kuar tapi kesian plak nk ajak parents kuar as dorg bru je blek Haji...
Mesti badan dorg still penat n still lagi jetlag..
Adrenaline dlm badan izan nie tgh Rushing gler..izan nak sgt kluar nih..izan nak g tgk movie n shopping n makan2...
ble kite tgh nk buat bnde len tp kne buat bnde len...mesti sume bnde pon jd x btol...kan????
klo izan makan - tak hadam...
izan tido - xlena...
tgk tv - end up tv yg tgk izan...
nk kemas blik - xde mood
pakai krim jerawat - jerawat btambah ade la...
sume jd SERABUT!!!!!!!
sume jd bercampur aduk!!!!
arghhhh!!!! tensen gler nih....!!!!!
pray for me darlings..n hope that i'm gonna be ok...
Izan bru smalam blek umah...cuti sem da mule izan rse sgt buh-san!!!!
Izan nak kuar tapi kesian plak nk ajak parents kuar as dorg bru je blek Haji...
Mesti badan dorg still penat n still lagi jetlag..
Adrenaline dlm badan izan nie tgh Rushing gler..izan nak sgt kluar nih..izan nak g tgk movie n shopping n makan2...
ble kite tgh nk buat bnde len tp kne buat bnde len...mesti sume bnde pon jd x btol...kan????
klo izan makan - tak hadam...
izan tido - xlena...
tgk tv - end up tv yg tgk izan...
nk kemas blik - xde mood
pakai krim jerawat - jerawat btambah ade la...
sume jd SERABUT!!!!!!!
sume jd bercampur aduk!!!!
arghhhh!!!! tensen gler nih....!!!!!
pray for me darlings..n hope that i'm gonna be ok...
Rabu, 9 Disember 2009
Possessed By Singleness...
Sbagai president, founder n creator of All Single Ladies...I am totally possessed by singleness...ble da dpt jwatan nih bru la prasan betapa bahagianya menjd seorang mnusia yg single mingle pringle especially dgn kehadiran manusia2 separa hensem di kolej kediaman....cuci mata la n yg plg best xde org nk marah...huhuhuhu freenyer...kerana diriku begitu bharga(da mcm iklan Maybelline plak kn?)
Ahad, 6 Disember 2009
All Single Ladies...
The group da ditubuhkan dgn tjuan utk menyatukan semua single all single ladies out there please feel free to join this group...wee~
Khamis, 3 Disember 2009
Skali lg terkena...hahaha...!!!!
Hari nie kelas ade 2 jer...kelas law 2 n law 3...Encik Kokoa yang sgt dikhendaki di sluruh dunia msih lg hilng tnpa ape2 kbar berita :( sedih btol la....myb la kn Encik Kokoa kite nie mmg nk kne bunuh agknye la...BENCI!!!! eleh benci tp dlm atie Allah S.W.T je la yg taw btapa izan rindu kat Encik Kokoa...Encik Kokoa pulang la ke pangkal jalan...masih ade org yang menyayangimu...PLEASE!!!!! hUhUhU!!!!
Izan da jadi xbrape nk btol dah...
esok kelas madam Carol kne plak represent symbol yg picture myself n izan da decide nk amek bunga Daisy, my fav flower tu...
so pretty n menarik hati.....
Well, bout that phrase 'skali lg terkena' tu...
nk djadikn cerita la izan pegila Sacc mall after klas..nk jln n mkn n whatever n whatnot yg ktorang rse nk buat la...Fyena n Shaa ikot la first pengembaraan geng ini sgt menyeronokkn dimana Shaa ngn Izan sgt sronok kne kn fyena dgn bwk die pg preschool section kat MPH.. well, izan kne admit Fyena bengang giler kot ngn ktorg tp ape nk buat coz dua lwn satu mesti dua mng kn? Like wht people always say, "majority rules" hahaha...
pastu ktorg tsedar yg hari hujan n perot pon lapar giler so izan n dorg sume trase cm nk mkn la ktorg planned nk g kat PAS tp pastu ktorg nmpak la menu kat 1 METRE TEH TARIK yg nmpak sgt mnyelerakan so ktorg yg nk jimat tenaga pon ter-seduce n msok n order la mknan..first2 lg ktorg da tgelak da coz dgr intonasi waiter yg entertain ktorg tu...lawak lakn...
izan bcadang xnak gelak tp sgt kelakar la...i juz can't help it but to laugh...izan order la nasi lemak ayam n seaweed dumpling n minum air sirap...sirap die ok la n dumpling die sgt sedap n lazat gler...
tp ble nasi lemak smpai izan pon makan tp xsedap coz nasi die cm agak mentah sket..n smbal die sgt kurang...xsedap la...Kalo izan nk pegi lg pon myb izan nk mkn dumpling die yg lazat tu je tp kalo nk mkn nasi lemak bekizan blek umah je la n buat sendiri....
so again izan bg moral value n advice = JGN PEGI KAT KEDAI 1 METRE TEH TARIK TU KLO NK MKN NASIK LEMAK DIE!!
Izan da jadi xbrape nk btol dah...
esok kelas madam Carol kne plak represent symbol yg picture myself n izan da decide nk amek bunga Daisy, my fav flower tu...
so pretty n menarik hati.....
Well, bout that phrase 'skali lg terkena' tu...
nk djadikn cerita la izan pegila Sacc mall after klas..nk jln n mkn n whatever n whatnot yg ktorang rse nk buat la...Fyena n Shaa ikot la first pengembaraan geng ini sgt menyeronokkn dimana Shaa ngn Izan sgt sronok kne kn fyena dgn bwk die pg preschool section kat MPH.. well, izan kne admit Fyena bengang giler kot ngn ktorg tp ape nk buat coz dua lwn satu mesti dua mng kn? Like wht people always say, "majority rules" hahaha...
pastu ktorg tsedar yg hari hujan n perot pon lapar giler so izan n dorg sume trase cm nk mkn la ktorg planned nk g kat PAS tp pastu ktorg nmpak la menu kat 1 METRE TEH TARIK yg nmpak sgt mnyelerakan so ktorg yg nk jimat tenaga pon ter-seduce n msok n order la mknan..first2 lg ktorg da tgelak da coz dgr intonasi waiter yg entertain ktorg tu...lawak lakn...
izan bcadang xnak gelak tp sgt kelakar la...i juz can't help it but to laugh...izan order la nasi lemak ayam n seaweed dumpling n minum air sirap...sirap die ok la n dumpling die sgt sedap n lazat gler...
tp ble nasi lemak smpai izan pon makan tp xsedap coz nasi die cm agak mentah sket..n smbal die sgt kurang...xsedap la...Kalo izan nk pegi lg pon myb izan nk mkn dumpling die yg lazat tu je tp kalo nk mkn nasi lemak bekizan blek umah je la n buat sendiri....
so again izan bg moral value n advice = JGN PEGI KAT KEDAI 1 METRE TEH TARIK TU KLO NK MKN NASIK LEMAK DIE!!
Selasa, 1 Disember 2009
Nothing is better than a new shoes...
yesterday I broght this very very very very pretty high heels...Vincci kat sacc mall ade sale kot..50%!!!! giler kot...Izan yg mmg ske kasut pon jd giler tp disebabkn oleh keterbatasan sumber kewangan, intention utk membeli semua kasut yg ade 50% tu harus dlupakan so I bought the most prettiest(exaggeration!!) shoes on the rack!!!! N i'm so happie tp pastu pg la mkn kat Nachos Nachos(InsyaAllah xnak pegi lg) n makanan die xsedap n hospitality is ZERO kot...So my advice n moral of the story is "JGN MKN KAT NACHOS NACHOS COZ XSEDAP LGSG....!!!!!!!"
Rabu, 11 November 2009
Izan definitely don't belong to be with them.....
They smile back at you when u smile at them n they make us feel we can be around them but the better u know them the more u know that u don't belong with them coz they will end up make u feel inferior and it is terribly hard to be in the same level with so terribly sad...!!!
Ahad, 1 November 2009
kenduri..kenduri n kenduri....
penatnyer...tulah ungkapan yg kuar dr mulut izan...huhuhu penat abes..
basuh pinggan n cawan, lap pinggan n cawan, potong sayur, potong tembikai, n bmacm2 keje lg...
kak Anis dtg umah arinie tolong msak..sian plak kat die coz dtg2 je trus kne buat keje..but we hv fun together2..huhuhuhu (izan rse la)...along ade soh amek gmbr n ltak kat ampun along adek mu ini penat sgt kesana kesini smpai xsempat nak amek gmbr...btw izan pkai bju kurung cotton n tudung merah..hahahaha..joking!! know u not interested pon...Anas pon dtg gak..Anas yg tinggi sperti biasa nmpak plik plak ble die pkai kopiah tu..sowie Anas but i'm juz being honest...sronok gak ble ade bkawan ngn kak Anis n Anas tu...huhuhu..atleast trubat rindu kat along n angah...Kak Anis ckp along terlmpau excited smpai bgn kol 5 pgi(wlaupun die kat Yemen n kendurinye kat Msia)..ish23x..xpe along nnt ble along da blek kte buat kenduri besar along bleh bgn kol 3 pagi plak coz over excited..cmne? cun x idea izan? hahahaha..
tp penat tu cm hilang plak ble msok blik izan..bilik yg tlah diberi sentuhan bru tu cm sgt mnyamankan....wah..bermadah plak..hahahaha..but Its the truth I tell u...O.o..
anyway..hope tonight dpt la a very berry good night sleep as the b4 night x dpt shut eyes yg cukup..letih bdan rsenye...ciao!
basuh pinggan n cawan, lap pinggan n cawan, potong sayur, potong tembikai, n bmacm2 keje lg...
kak Anis dtg umah arinie tolong msak..sian plak kat die coz dtg2 je trus kne buat keje..but we hv fun together2..huhuhuhu (izan rse la)...along ade soh amek gmbr n ltak kat ampun along adek mu ini penat sgt kesana kesini smpai xsempat nak amek gmbr...btw izan pkai bju kurung cotton n tudung merah..hahahaha..joking!! know u not interested pon...Anas pon dtg gak..Anas yg tinggi sperti biasa nmpak plik plak ble die pkai kopiah tu..sowie Anas but i'm juz being honest...sronok gak ble ade bkawan ngn kak Anis n Anas tu...huhuhu..atleast trubat rindu kat along n angah...Kak Anis ckp along terlmpau excited smpai bgn kol 5 pgi(wlaupun die kat Yemen n kendurinye kat Msia)..ish23x..xpe along nnt ble along da blek kte buat kenduri besar along bleh bgn kol 3 pagi plak coz over excited..cmne? cun x idea izan? hahahaha..
tp penat tu cm hilang plak ble msok blik izan..bilik yg tlah diberi sentuhan bru tu cm sgt mnyamankan....wah..bermadah plak..hahahaha..but Its the truth I tell u...O.o..
anyway..hope tonight dpt la a very berry good night sleep as the b4 night x dpt shut eyes yg cukup..letih bdan rsenye...ciao!
Jumaat, 30 Oktober 2009
yesterday, lpas pegi klinik n d doctor say 2 me, " ur having slight fever" n I was like, "what???"...
the last time I remember of having a fever is when I was about form 3...long time ago isn't it? this fever may be the result from the totally unhealthy way of life of keeping pushing myself to exercise n eat sensible food like some tomato juice...well who is there to blame..I like tomato juice n I love working out evryday...n now I can't even move my body head are banging like crazy n I hate aspirin like soooooooo much!!!
maybe I should start a real unhealthy lifestyle from now on to keep me away from bad fever then...I might considering it later....
p/s it never happens...luv
the last time I remember of having a fever is when I was about form 3...long time ago isn't it? this fever may be the result from the totally unhealthy way of life of keeping pushing myself to exercise n eat sensible food like some tomato juice...well who is there to blame..I like tomato juice n I love working out evryday...n now I can't even move my body head are banging like crazy n I hate aspirin like soooooooo much!!!
maybe I should start a real unhealthy lifestyle from now on to keep me away from bad fever then...I might considering it later....
p/s it never happens...luv
Ahad, 18 Oktober 2009
life is GREAT!!!!!
right now my life is just yesterday i was crying bcoz i feel so tired of my life...Alhamdulillah when i woke up this morning, i feel re-energized n extremely boost with happie feeling n self-love....maybe what i need is juz some shut-eyes...breakfast is great n i can't stop listening to Sleeq's Cun Saja song which in my opinion is a fresh n it suit my teenage ears...luv it soooo much!!! during breakfast, my mom told me that we going to Melaka. I love Melaka bcoz it full with historical places n beautiful scenery n I can take as many pic as I want...I expect Melaka will be less crowded as I will be going on working day...n my bad habit of wearing my pijama 4 the whole day is totally invaded me...I can't stop doing it..this past few day my routine is wake up at 8 in the morning as i'm having my time of the month, washed my face, have my breakfast, online, brush my teeth n clean my face, online, help my mom at kitchen, online, watching tv while online(again),have sumthing to eat, continue watching tv, lying on my bed while online...n then get my late night shower at about 9.30 pm then i get to sleep n the routines continues...maybe this habit can also be blame on my bad lazy traits...whatever!!!! as long as I am happie n I don't wear pijama when i go out of my house, this habit is totally under control...huuhuhu
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009
cuti semester arrived..seatback, relax n enjoy!!!!!!
final exam..check
sume barang dbwk blek umah..check
novel utk dibace mase cuti sem..check
laptop penuh ngn game bru..check
psediaan dok umah slame sebulan..check
all preparation has been made for me to spend my 1 month semester break..happie giler bile pikir sem satu foundation law da abes n now(at this moment) I am free.. nak tgk tv? no problem...nak men game kat laptop? no hal...nak layan facebook spanjang hari? xde sape yg nak marah...nak bace novel sesuka hati? ok je..nak buat cake n cookies? hari2 pon mak the conclusion is I can do whatever I wanna do...I LOVE IT...
final exam..check
sume barang dbwk blek umah..check
novel utk dibace mase cuti sem..check
laptop penuh ngn game bru..check
psediaan dok umah slame sebulan..check
all preparation has been made for me to spend my 1 month semester break..happie giler bile pikir sem satu foundation law da abes n now(at this moment) I am free.. nak tgk tv? no problem...nak men game kat laptop? no hal...nak layan facebook spanjang hari? xde sape yg nak marah...nak bace novel sesuka hati? ok je..nak buat cake n cookies? hari2 pon mak the conclusion is I can do whatever I wanna do...I LOVE IT...
Isnin, 12 Oktober 2009
French Language Class...
these past few days, I've been thinking so hard whether I'm going to let my father know that I'm dying to go for French Language Class...
I never have any gut to come up to him n juz say the word of "dad, can i go to French language class". My cowardness always stop me to do it..I was afraid that my father would say 'no' n left me feel very-very-very-very-very dissapointed. However, surprisingly today I make it...I told my father n he say yes n my father told my mom and she say it was a brilliant idea...I feel soooooooooooo glad n start thinking that I should tell them bout this even dad called a couple of language centre n he say he will decide which one is better for me...I am sooooooooooo happie...yay for me..
I never have any gut to come up to him n juz say the word of "dad, can i go to French language class". My cowardness always stop me to do it..I was afraid that my father would say 'no' n left me feel very-very-very-very-very dissapointed. However, surprisingly today I make it...I told my father n he say yes n my father told my mom and she say it was a brilliant idea...I feel soooooooooooo glad n start thinking that I should tell them bout this even dad called a couple of language centre n he say he will decide which one is better for me...I am sooooooooooo happie...yay for me..
Rabu, 23 September 2009
life is not like a glitter ball
life is not like a glitter matter how vigorous u shake it, it will always look nice with the glitter n snow flying all around...
but real life in the other hand is way different from full with a lot of thing...pain, sadness, horrible thing n hatred...but if the glitter ball fall on a hard surface, it will crash and destroy with no chance of recovery but in life, if u fall, u crash alright but u still have the chance to recover and build ur life all over again and leave the pain behind...
but real life in the other hand is way different from full with a lot of thing...pain, sadness, horrible thing n hatred...but if the glitter ball fall on a hard surface, it will crash and destroy with no chance of recovery but in life, if u fall, u crash alright but u still have the chance to recover and build ur life all over again and leave the pain behind...
Ahad, 20 September 2009
raya time!!!!
RAYA TIME....!!!! sedih la plak...parents n my sis n my bro xde kat sni...sumenye kat oversea...
izan je sorg stuck kat Malaysia..not that i hate Malaysia in fact izan LOVE Malaysia very much....
tp pagi raye bkn kne smbut ngn family ke?
cium tgn mak ayah n pastu pg raye sesame..
bestnye.....syahdu sungguh ble fikirkn bende xpe...ade hikmah kot...
ramai org gak dtg umah hari nie...budak2 yg dtg nk duit raye pon ramai..letih layan perangai dorg sume....nape la loceng nk kne dipasangkn kat pintu pagar rumah tu???
bising btol...saje je ade je bdak2 yg gatal tgn menekan loceng tu wlaupun pintu pagar tu da tebukak luas seluas-luasnye...pastu buat muke innocent ckap ,"kak kami datang nak raye!!!!" sabar je la hati jantung limpa izan xpe, mak kate tetamu dtg bwk rezeki n blik bwk dose....jd lg byk org dtg lg bagus kn??
izan je sorg stuck kat Malaysia..not that i hate Malaysia in fact izan LOVE Malaysia very much....
tp pagi raye bkn kne smbut ngn family ke?
cium tgn mak ayah n pastu pg raye sesame..
bestnye.....syahdu sungguh ble fikirkn bende xpe...ade hikmah kot...
ramai org gak dtg umah hari nie...budak2 yg dtg nk duit raye pon ramai..letih layan perangai dorg sume....nape la loceng nk kne dipasangkn kat pintu pagar rumah tu???
bising btol...saje je ade je bdak2 yg gatal tgn menekan loceng tu wlaupun pintu pagar tu da tebukak luas seluas-luasnye...pastu buat muke innocent ckap ,"kak kami datang nak raye!!!!" sabar je la hati jantung limpa izan xpe, mak kate tetamu dtg bwk rezeki n blik bwk dose....jd lg byk org dtg lg bagus kn??
Sabtu, 19 September 2009
yay!!!!! <3 esok raye...slamat hari raye maaf zahir batin...
alhamdulillah panjang umo lg nak sambut raye lg skali thun nie...
raye thun nie byk gler beza..coz first time raye sorg2 kat m'sia...mak n ayah ade kat ireland teman my sis kat sane..raye keempat bru dorg balek...
sedih je rase ble pikir yg esk izan xdpt nak salam parents utk mintak maaf tp nak wat cane?? xpe wan, mama, pak long, mak cu n pakcu n pak lang n atok ade ngn izan atleast izan xsorg2...
lets always look at the bright side n left the dark side behind...
xsabar rsenye nak pkai bju kebaya kuning baru tu... hope i look nice in it...huhuhu...
Khamis, 17 September 2009
ayam masak kurma of kuew teow goreng....
hri nie sgt special sbb izan da bjye msak ayam masak kurma yg sgt dgilai oleh izan....sdap sgt...wan xtlg sket pon juz tgk je izan buat...terharu,gembira,bahagia n bangge menyelubungi segenap jiwa raga izan kjap...ayahanda n ibunda serta kakanda yg berada nun jauh diseberang lautan pasti bangge dgn anak daramu ini...hahaha...emo skjap...!! back to normal mode...
tp hati mula berbelah bg ble pak lang gorengkn kuew teow ble da nak dkat buke...jeng-jeng-jeng!!!mne satu nk mkn?
nk mkn nasi lauk ayam kurma ke nk mkn kuew teow...without further due...izan trus amek kputusan utk mkn dua2 tp dlm kuantiti yg terkawal krna berat da trun n xnk brat nek blek...!!!
maka Alhamdullilah Malaysia sgt chantek hari nie(xde kaitannye dgn tajuk)
Isnin, 14 September 2009
she flew to ireland..n i'm gonna miss her a lot...
smalam my sis terbang gi ireland..nk further study die in business management...sedihnye..
first time raye without her..I cry cam nak giler ble die peluk me smalam kat KLIA...rase cam nak pg skali ngn die tp nak kne study kat sni...dun worry next year insyaAllah die blek...die kate nnt bleh slalunye ble die bgn izan tido n ble die tdo izan plak bgn..
but there's mesti ade other way kn?
like telefon n let's look at the bright side n leave sadness behind n pray for the best for her...amin...
first time raye without her..I cry cam nak giler ble die peluk me smalam kat KLIA...rase cam nak pg skali ngn die tp nak kne study kat sni...dun worry next year insyaAllah die blek...die kate nnt bleh slalunye ble die bgn izan tido n ble die tdo izan plak bgn..
but there's mesti ade other way kn?
like telefon n let's look at the bright side n leave sadness behind n pray for the best for her...amin...
Jumaat, 11 September 2009
study week punye cuti da mule n raye da nak tibe...
study week da start...sronoknye bile dp cuti n duduk kat umah...kat umah suasana cam sgt different...kat hostel mmg best tp sgt beze gn umah well home sweet home kan?
nnt lpas je raye trus ade final...InsyaAllah izan nak buat yg paling best n nak bg fullest punye attention study this week...lepas study week kite raye...Alhamdullilah dpt jgak smbut raye lg this year raye sgt berbeza...coz my sis nak fly g ireland..i'm terribly happie for hern my parents ikut my parents raye kat sne la while izan tinggal kat malaysia ngn wan n atuk..nseb bek mama, paklong n pakcu n makcu still ade...along? along ade kat Dubai...maybe die blik nnt da nmpak cam pak Arab da..huhuuhu...Januari bru die balik iu pon xtentu lg...ble pikir nak raye sorg2 thun nie mmg sedih tp izan pikir camni...klo izan sedih mesti mak n ayah pon sbnarnye sedih nak tinggalkan anak die nie raye sorg2 kat MY...
anyway...izan rse izan da totally da fit in kat Uitm... no more home sick n i like that very much...
yesterday izan ade test bel 260 ngn mr Choy..he is the most adorable lecturer yg izan pnah jumpe...sgt cute..!!!! pastu izan pon pegi jusco bukit raja ngn Iqa N farhana... izan bli kasut, seluar, t-shirt n rantai + baju for my sis....Iqa xabes2 happie coz da nak cuti n test da abes die asek nak suruh iza buat chicken dance...giler btol l Iqa nie..huuhuhuhu..sayang Iqa...
Farhana plak kecian..nak bli selipar tp xde saiz..xpe Farhana nnt kite carik selipar yg len ye...
Hope Korg sume happie ble nk smbut raye...naseb bek td sempat mintak maaf kat classmate..hope klo ade silap n salah harap korg dpt la maafkan...
sELAMAT hARI rAYA!!!!!!!(dlm jagjit punye intonasi)
nnt lpas je raye trus ade final...InsyaAllah izan nak buat yg paling best n nak bg fullest punye attention study this week...lepas study week kite raye...Alhamdullilah dpt jgak smbut raye lg this year raye sgt berbeza...coz my sis nak fly g ireland..i'm terribly happie for hern my parents ikut my parents raye kat sne la while izan tinggal kat malaysia ngn wan n atuk..nseb bek mama, paklong n pakcu n makcu still ade...along? along ade kat Dubai...maybe die blik nnt da nmpak cam pak Arab da..huhuuhu...Januari bru die balik iu pon xtentu lg...ble pikir nak raye sorg2 thun nie mmg sedih tp izan pikir camni...klo izan sedih mesti mak n ayah pon sbnarnye sedih nak tinggalkan anak die nie raye sorg2 kat MY...
anyway...izan rse izan da totally da fit in kat Uitm... no more home sick n i like that very much...
yesterday izan ade test bel 260 ngn mr Choy..he is the most adorable lecturer yg izan pnah jumpe...sgt cute..!!!! pastu izan pon pegi jusco bukit raja ngn Iqa N farhana... izan bli kasut, seluar, t-shirt n rantai + baju for my sis....Iqa xabes2 happie coz da nak cuti n test da abes die asek nak suruh iza buat chicken dance...giler btol l Iqa nie..huuhuhuhu..sayang Iqa...
Farhana plak kecian..nak bli selipar tp xde saiz..xpe Farhana nnt kite carik selipar yg len ye...
Hope Korg sume happie ble nk smbut raye...naseb bek td sempat mintak maaf kat classmate..hope klo ade silap n salah harap korg dpt la maafkan...
sELAMAT hARI rAYA!!!!!!!(dlm jagjit punye intonasi)
Jumaat, 4 September 2009
foundation law first part is coming to an end....:(
sad n happie both filling my last i feel at home at uitm like how i suppose to feel...
i love all my fellow classmate...fiena n shaa(team panjat pagar) sgt supporting...without korg pgar itu xkn bisa dpnjat...hahaha...syuk n mieza plak like friends from heavens...korg tau2 jela pe sbb izan ckp cmtu...mieja n ain(tagline dorg: we are consider as one) sgt bek n always helpful n slalu skepale buat bnde yg tooot!!!!(finas xbg published atas sbb kselamatan individu sjagat) hahaheehoo...iqa n dgn korg is a happie experienced...xpe farhana jgn sdey ye nnt kte crik slippers yg len yg ade saiz...n iqa jgn malu pkai wedges tu it look good on ur feet...syeera, jue n syaza..tgk wayang ngn korg mmg happening..nnt kte g tgk wyg sme2 lg ye...tgk cite yg lg mnakutkn...tas, u always have that bubbly face on cute!!! Sue...yg cute yg klo gelak xigt dunia..kdg2 izan glak bkn sbb klaka tp sbb tgk sue gelak...Esah plak..nmpak je kecik tp ble debate terrer kot....wanie n wanie...korg sgt sweet to each nye ble dpt kwn rapat yg name matchmade in heaven..huhuhuhu...Our Ain Sakina of lwa01g...suara die sgt kuat n sumtimes i wish izan ade her gut yg sgt confidence ble ckp kat depan..i salute her when it comes to debate...terrer babe!!!!!
i love all my fellow classmate...fiena n shaa(team panjat pagar) sgt supporting...without korg pgar itu xkn bisa dpnjat...hahaha...syuk n mieza plak like friends from heavens...korg tau2 jela pe sbb izan ckp cmtu...mieja n ain(tagline dorg: we are consider as one) sgt bek n always helpful n slalu skepale buat bnde yg tooot!!!!(finas xbg published atas sbb kselamatan individu sjagat) hahaheehoo...iqa n dgn korg is a happie experienced...xpe farhana jgn sdey ye nnt kte crik slippers yg len yg ade saiz...n iqa jgn malu pkai wedges tu it look good on ur feet...syeera, jue n syaza..tgk wayang ngn korg mmg happening..nnt kte g tgk wyg sme2 lg ye...tgk cite yg lg mnakutkn...tas, u always have that bubbly face on cute!!! Sue...yg cute yg klo gelak xigt dunia..kdg2 izan glak bkn sbb klaka tp sbb tgk sue gelak...Esah plak..nmpak je kecik tp ble debate terrer kot....wanie n wanie...korg sgt sweet to each nye ble dpt kwn rapat yg name matchmade in heaven..huhuhuhu...Our Ain Sakina of lwa01g...suara die sgt kuat n sumtimes i wish izan ade her gut yg sgt confidence ble ckp kat depan..i salute her when it comes to debate...terrer babe!!!!!
that is all my girl classmate...bdak lelaki?
dorg pon supporting jgak..sgt supporting...hope izan bleh bgaul ngn bdak lelaki lbih bek sem dpan..InsyaAllah..i'm still awkward when it comes to boys...blame it on Sek Men Keb Convent Kajang ye yg sumenye prempuan....
Isnin, 31 Ogos 2009
fittin' in into Uitm...
Fittin' in...maybe others da fit in lme dlu..
tp izan blom lg...still having homesick every week???? What's that? but i juz can't help it...what's goin' on??? I'm teribbly puzzled!!!!!!!
I wanna feel at home kat Uitm...I wanna feel happie n enjoy izan punye Uni life dgn my fwens...i think i can 'msok' in co-ed but i still awkward when it comes to guy thing...not luvvy duvvy thing but getting 2gether as a classmates. there even a boy in my class who refuse to look me in d eyes when i talk 2 him..
again..what's that??? That is really really really terribly suck...
I wanna be friend with them...juz like a how i mingle with my girlfriend...
when test are comin'..I barely study but thankfully i can pass it with average...
I wanna be a 4 flat student but i seem to don't have any mood to do my study....I must quit!!!!!
I'm depressed!!!!!! I confused with wht i really want to me!!!!
izan nak tempoh blik carefree school life yg sgt happie tu...
xpayah nak risau pape...kat skool dlu best sgt..especially ble classmates sume sgt supporting n sronok...kuar g tandas sbb nak escape from jwb soalan addmath kat board or nk escape dr soalan cepu emas Pn Tan...still igt ape yg Pn Tan ckp stiap kli lpas dpt result Ekonomi asas.."u all bkan xpndai cume plain laziness!"....n bnde yg ktorg plg suke buat..makan dlm kelas, cikgu ajar kat depan, ktorg sume mengunyah kat blakang...hahaha...xpon klo xde bnde nak mkn..ktorg o'coz pass notes...physically we all seen to paying our fullest attention but actually our mind have flew beyond the classroom wall and out to the blue sis used to tell me that uni life is the best part of their life but to me school life are better...happier and sooo carefree...
but we can't stay at certain period of our life al the we?
life must move on...
Jumaat, 28 Ogos 2009
My birthday's never too late right?
on my last bday celebration, i was so happie byk giler hadiah izan dpt...
my dad n my mum bg me jam...chantek giler (atleast to me)... InsyaAllah izan akan jd anak yg bek n sntiase mnepati mase..especially waktu mummy bg towel..(significant btol...coz izan slalu ilang towel n buat mak pening crikkn towel utk izan...hahahahaha)Mama n pak long bg izan pencil case pink with a sexy kitty(sweet!!!) I like it very much....n my wonder la she keep on xbg izan bli cd TB tu rupenye die n bg as my bday gift..anyway thx sis luv u...Izan slalu dgr when i miss u...Out of nowhere, my sis nye friend all of sudden bg me lg satu jam cme nie jam meja la...cute n i like it soo much... last but not least, Ainie, my beautiful roommates, Ainie bg izan keychain Pony(pink colour) I totally n sincerely love it very much...sooooo cute!!!!!
Time kaseh to semua yg bg izan hadiah..appreciate sesgt....!!!
My bday celebration is a very quiet family dad bce doa n we all makan..simple sgt but i like it that way..
and at last Izan dpr kek 4segi yg izan nak dr thun lpas lg...So grateful...
and at last Izan dpr kek 4segi yg izan nak dr thun lpas lg...So grateful...
anyway, izan happie giler la on tht day....weeee:)
Khamis, 27 Ogos 2009
first time berbuke bkn kat umah...huhuhu..
sedih je.. tp nk buat cane da kne study kan?
tp nseb bek xjauh dr umah so kdg2 bleh blik...
Arnie, tasha and adlin adlah roommates yg sgt supporting..
sgt sronok ble dorg ade...
always faham izan..
skenye ngn dorg..korg izan syg kat korg sgt...hope we best friend till the end...Amin!!!
today izan buat presentation psal ballet...izan prasan sume lelaki cam xbrape nk suke...
lelaki klo suke ballet tu mybe ade sumthing wrong sumwhere..hahaha..
tp ble izzad n wan buat psal man u td..izan plak xbrape suke so we're even...
tp most of all izan puas hati ngn izan punye presentation...i do it all by myself(adlin n arnie pon tlg gak)..
thx lg skali...
minggu dpan ade listening test untuk muet...
n esk ade plak kne antar malaysian government n politics nye presentation slide...
n petang ade plak test library skills and politics....hope bleh la jwb..byk sgt nak kne igt...
smoge ok je la esk...Amin..
kdg2 rse cam nak give up je fndation law nie tp hidup yg xde obstacles bkan hidup kn nmenye?
sabar jela....
first time berbuke bkn kat umah...huhuhu..
sedih je.. tp nk buat cane da kne study kan?
tp nseb bek xjauh dr umah so kdg2 bleh blik...
Arnie, tasha and adlin adlah roommates yg sgt supporting..
sgt sronok ble dorg ade...
always faham izan..
skenye ngn dorg..korg izan syg kat korg sgt...hope we best friend till the end...Amin!!!
today izan buat presentation psal ballet...izan prasan sume lelaki cam xbrape nk suke...
lelaki klo suke ballet tu mybe ade sumthing wrong sumwhere..hahaha..
tp ble izzad n wan buat psal man u td..izan plak xbrape suke so we're even...
tp most of all izan puas hati ngn izan punye presentation...i do it all by myself(adlin n arnie pon tlg gak)..
thx lg skali...
minggu dpan ade listening test untuk muet...
n esk ade plak kne antar malaysian government n politics nye presentation slide...
n petang ade plak test library skills and politics....hope bleh la jwb..byk sgt nak kne igt...
smoge ok je la esk...Amin..
kdg2 rse cam nak give up je fndation law nie tp hidup yg xde obstacles bkan hidup kn nmenye?
sabar jela....
Jumaat, 7 Ogos 2009
tomorrow is my 18th birthday.....happie birthday to me!!!!!!
I'm so grateful because during my 18 years of living in this surface of this wonderful Earth.. I never encounter anything terrible..
I'm blessed with a grat family and friends... N they never failed to surprise me on my birthday and that make me feel I'm a special person on this very special day...
but suddenly I think about a less fortunate people in some other places in the exact same time who might born today but didn't feel the same way i feel and I feel sad 4 them n hope one day they will experience what I experience....AMIN YA RABBAL AL AMIN.....
back to me...
I made a list that I really terribly want to do after I'm 18 :
1. I want to take my driver's licence ( i feel more confident!!!)
2. I really want to visit Singapore(please don't ask why bcoz i not sure why)
3. I want to learn french...Love de to'i
4. I want to live my life to the fullest and do things based on my perspectives.
5. I want to learn ballroom dance...
6. bla...bla....bla....n the list go on...
I hope i will succesfully able to do all of those thing...
I'm so grateful because during my 18 years of living in this surface of this wonderful Earth.. I never encounter anything terrible..
I'm blessed with a grat family and friends... N they never failed to surprise me on my birthday and that make me feel I'm a special person on this very special day...
but suddenly I think about a less fortunate people in some other places in the exact same time who might born today but didn't feel the same way i feel and I feel sad 4 them n hope one day they will experience what I experience....AMIN YA RABBAL AL AMIN.....
back to me...
I made a list that I really terribly want to do after I'm 18 :
1. I want to take my driver's licence ( i feel more confident!!!)
2. I really want to visit Singapore(please don't ask why bcoz i not sure why)
3. I want to learn french...Love de to'i
4. I want to live my life to the fullest and do things based on my perspectives.
5. I want to learn ballroom dance...
6. bla...bla....bla....n the list go on...
I hope i will succesfully able to do all of those thing...
at last this week ended n d special day coming....!!!!!
this week byk sgt bnde yg blaku...
my bro fly g dubai....
g men squash kat komp. sukan 4 d first time...n yg klakar nye..
lpas je men squash tu stu badan saket...balik klas trus baring kat katil xlarat nak bgn ..jnji nak kuar ngn syuk pon xjd... bengkak tgn....da lame sgt x bsukan... gagagagaga!!!!! xtaw la pasni nak g men ke x lg....
(stu bola squash telah bjaya di 'lekatkn' oleh Nursyaizan Jasni kat ceiling komp. sukan)
dgn slambenye msok klas Pak Rahim 1/2 jam lmbat dgn pakai wedges 4 inci...
ble jlan sume org bkan pndang muke tp pandang kaki.. mybe dorg wonder cne bdak nie bleh larat pakai wdges tu(agak je!)
n lg satu berus bju bleh plak hilang....klakar btol..
dlm byk2 bnde len..berus bju tu jgak yg org tu nak amek...
tp this week mmg sronok n happening habes la..
hope syuk dpt realisasikan impian die untk blikn izan stroller utk djdikan transport utk ke kelas....
hahahahahhahaa....murah sggh hati kwanku yg sorg nie...smoga rezekimu sntiasa murh...
Jumaat, 31 Julai 2009
i'm stuck here in Malaysia!!!!why???
my big bro nak g Dubai....while my sis nak pegi Ireland plak..
n left me here stuck in Malaysia alone...
klo ade prob nak ngadu kat sape nie...
arghhh sedihnyer...
hope mase bjalan ngn cepat so xtrase sgt yg dorg xde...
i'm gonna miss them a lot....!!!
brinknye nnt ble blik umah n umah senyap sunyi je...
nnt last2 bukak tv n tv tu tgk izan instead of izan yg tg tv tu..
anyway...hope they have a pleasent journey..
n left me here stuck in Malaysia alone...
klo ade prob nak ngadu kat sape nie...
arghhh sedihnyer...
hope mase bjalan ngn cepat so xtrase sgt yg dorg xde...
i'm gonna miss them a lot....!!!
brinknye nnt ble blik umah n umah senyap sunyi je...
nnt last2 bukak tv n tv tu tgk izan instead of izan yg tg tv tu..
anyway...hope they have a pleasent journey..
Selasa, 28 Julai 2009
tensennyer ble dpt taw yg cuti sem kne cut half n nak kne g kem btn plak...
bru igt nak hangout ngn kawan skola dlu..g mkan2 n shpping ngn dorg tp sume plan da tgendale dgn adenye kem btn..
da la buat kat besut..!!!
nak dok lme2 kat umah...kat skola dlu dapg almost sume kem yg ade..
igt xpyh la nak g kem lg ble msok u tp rpenye ade lg...
mlasnye nak g kem lg...!!!!!!
tolong saye......!!!!!!
bru igt nak hangout ngn kawan skola dlu..g mkan2 n shpping ngn dorg tp sume plan da tgendale dgn adenye kem btn..
da la buat kat besut..!!!
nak dok lme2 kat umah...kat skola dlu dapg almost sume kem yg ade..
igt xpyh la nak g kem lg ble msok u tp rpenye ade lg...
mlasnye nak g kem lg...!!!!!!
tolong saye......!!!!!!
Isnin, 27 Julai 2009
penat giler....
Catatan (Atom)