hoppin chickies

Khamis, 30 Disember 2010

Lain yang disangka, lain pula yang tiba...

Suspen tak tajuk?? hahaha

jangan takut, bukan apa pun..
this week Izan dah start belajar Bahasa Arab..

sebelum tu mari saya memperkenalkan diri..hehe

Ismi Nursyaizan Binti Jasni
Ana Salanjuria (mcm tu kan eja dia?)
Ana tolibun fi kuliyati al-huquqi
Umri tisata ashar sanah..

Izan's translator: Nama saya Nursyaizan Binti Jasni
Saya orang Selangor
Saya belajar di Fakulti Undang-undang
Umur Saya 19 tahun
terer x? *angkat-angkat kening*

Jadi berbalik kepada tajuk post ini,
actually Izan macam cuak, takut and nervous sampai nak terkeluar jantung lari-lari..haha
yela sebab sedari kecil hingga berumur 19 tahun tak penah langsung  belajar Bahasa Arab..
mana tak takut tak pasal kan??
tapi lepas je masuk kelas and start belajar dan ditemani dengan kamus Bahasa Arab yang setia lantas persepsi Izan segera berubah cerah...

muka pun dari macam nie...

terus bertukar ke...

happie kan??
jadi moral of the story adalah : Don't judge books by it's cover or dari harga dia..
bukan bermaksud mahal cerite dia berkualiti ye..

jadi marilah kita memulakan pagi dengan kata- kata nasihat atau motivational quotes yang boleh mencerahkan hari kita..

A pearl is a beautiful thing that is produced by an injured life. It is the tear (that results) from the injury of oyster. The treasure of our being in this world is also produced by an injured life. If we had not been wounded, if we had not been wounded, then we will not produce the pearl
-Stephen Hoeller-

and owh before terlupa..
about my 2011 resolution..
as tomorrow is already 2011, therefore saya nak mengatakan bahawa saya tak pernah buat any resolution as I don't believe in making one...
I believe in everyday punya resolution which is to be a better person to everyone who spend her time(and money) more wisely from day to day..

and Izan tengah kumpul duit utk beli new bag..
owh My mom going to nag me day and night kalau die taw anak die ni da berhajat nak beli beg baru(lagi)

Selasa, 14 Disember 2010

Maafkan Kelembapan Saya..

Pada 10. dec hari itu yang juga bersamaan dengan hari jadi Taufik Batisah, result final exam saya dah boleh dicheck melalui gerbang smpweb (ayat sila la skema lagi!!)

tarikh tu mmg da diingati sejak Lim Kai Hau bagitahu kat facebook..
jadi malam sebelum tu Izan telah menutup handphone dan letak jauh-jauh (padahal tersalah letak hp and battery abis)

Chup!! apa relevan tindakan tersebut?
kalau tutup mase 10.dec tu ok jugak kan??

pagi tu bangun agak lah lambat..
around pukul 7.30 pagi pastu terus pegi dapur nak tengok apa menu untuk sarapan pagi 
dan melihat ibu yang sedang giat menggoreng pisang lantas saya mengambil keputusan untuk meringankan beban ibu dan menjaga pisang goreng tersebut.
saya tersedar bahawa pagi tersebut tidaklah biasa seperti hari lainnya kerana pada hari itu, 
dan perut saya serta usus dan limpa hati dan jiwa raga segera bergelora..
cuak gila nak mati..masa tu rasa gila x tentu arah tapi cover la depan mak kan..
nanti karang mak suspect plak..apsal anak aku nak cuak kalau die dah buat betul-betul aritu kan??

pastu terus cepat-cepat angakat goreng pisang tu dan segera bergegas masuk bilik
pastu baru nak sibuk la carik charger hp macam orang gila and charge kan..hahaha
pastu ble bukak je hp trus dpt msg smalam from Shaa yang kata result da bleh check via sms..
so ape lagi trus send msg and dok diam-diam tunggu result keluar..ayah da sibuk panggil suruh sarapan tapi tak nak...CUAK GILA MANA BOLEH MAKAN KAN??
lepas je dapat result trus menjerit dan melompat tak tentu arah, mak pon macam terkejut..hahaha
lepas bagitahu mak dan ayah result terus kena peluk..hehehe

Jumaat, 26 November 2010

Baile Atha Cliath was breathtaking!!

* AMARAN!! : blogpost ini mengandungi terlalu banyak gambar dan mungkin terlalu panjang dengan bebelan dari Nursyaizan Binti Jasni..

Izan telah berangkat ke Dublin or the Irish usually call it Baile atha cliath in gaelic..
it was a great : cuaca die, scenery dia n please highlight..HOT GUYS DIA!!
dah tinggi, kulit pinkish, mate biru n coklat n hazel n hijau
owh saya menjamu mata kemana saja saya pergi!!

pretty isn't it??
this is St Stephen Green Park
usually Locals akan bawa anjing aka 'karpet berjalan' takpun  bawak anak dorg yang comel gila berjalan-jalan..

comel tak?? comel kan??
the lanscapes please not the person coz yang orang tu mmg sgt cute!

then kite pegi Dalkey..
a nice small town with a great beautiful scenery
Dalkey used to have around 7 castle tp lepas perang ke mcm tu, castle tinggal 2 je..

there..kena ada model jgk la kan..hahaha~
nice place Dalkey..

next, kite pegi Bray..Bray nie kawasan laut..
sejuk jgn cakap la..mse Izan kat situ temperature sampai 8 darjah celsius..
beku rasa muka bila angin sejuk bertiup..

kat sini lagi banyak 'karpet berjalan'..gemuk-gemuk rase mcm nk sepak je la pulak..hahaha

pastu kite pon blik ke Dublin semula
untuk minum hot chocolate kat Butlers Chocolate Cafe..
enak sungguh hot chocolate dia..
kalo pegi sane, sila la mintak regular hot chocolate with cream n dapat free chocolate chumel...


pastu kite pergi ke St. Patrick Park di mana Izan telah mem-bajetkan diri ala-ala pelajar Malaysia di Ireland

bajet tak?? bajet kan??

gambar bajet yang lainnya...

gambar semasa membeli barangan takde sebab mne bleh buat dua benda mse bershopping??
harus ade concentration yang mendalam..

itulah summary dia, byk sgt gmbr klo nk msukkn lg (malas sebenarnye..haha)
so Ireland is one beautiful country..
yang best psal pg luar negara ni adalah ble kite cam terjatuhkan barang ke ape ke pastu melatah kan,
contoh : opocot mak kau jatuh atau terjerit perkataan yang agak lucah, takde la orang mcm pandang ke ape ke..
sebab dorg tak faham..

owh, lupa nak bgth yang sebab utama pg Ireland adalah sebab nak tengok kakak saya graduation..huhu

Rabu, 10 November 2010

beg baru kesayangan dan kehilangan selera makan..

Last monday, I received the parcel which contains my beg baru kesayangan 
sila lihat gambar di atas..pretty tak??
tak?? what the hell..
I like it so damn much so it's the prettiest thing at the moment!!
beg tu bukan sahaja cantik tapi juga berharga sangat murah!
can u believe it if I say that it only cost me RM48 inclusive the postage fees (online shopping is my new addiction)..
xbleh percaya?? sila percaya..ripley's believe it or not!! hahaha
Sila ikut link ini jika berminat nak membeli beg serupa dengan di atas..

ok..sekarang beralih ke berita luar negara..
Nursyaizan Binti Jasni akan berangkat ke Ireland kurang dari seminggu dari sekarang, malangnya beliau masih lagi malas untuk menge-pack barangan peribadi dan bajunya!!

*berita luar negara tamat*

sejak belakangan ini..Izan cam kehilangan selera makan :(
da x bersemangat dan ghairah apabila melihat makanan enak terhidang di depan mata..
makanan yang enak akan ditolak dan dibiarkan kesepian

ok izan Sila naik pentas amek phD dlm meng-exaggerate berlebihan..
tapi memang betul kot..xde la mcm yg izan gambarkan tadi, yg makanan kesepian segala tu..
tapi seriously da berapa hari da izan skip lunch and dinner just makan ala kadar je..
perut cepat rase kenyang ler plak..
tp gastrik xberi peluang lantas meng-attack izan lewat petang hari ini..
kepala rase nak pecah n perut plak penuh dengan angin..
ade situation 'air-rumbling in my stomach'
haish!! lantas izan pon segera revise koleksi recipe nya dan decide..
esok pagi nak buat Crepe n makan dengan  peach!!
sedap..selera segera kembali!!! 

p/s :  terima kasih kepada cik Ikin kerana jd follower saye.. :)

Ahad, 7 November 2010

saya sayang emak saya dunia akhirat!! InsyaAllah..

48 years ago a person who I proudly called EMAK now was born..
exactly on 7/11..I like that date, easy to remember!!
Emak, Selamat Hari Lahir yang ke 48 tahun..
Izan sayang emak sangat n semoga emak akan sentiasa dipanjangkan umur, dmurahkan rezeki dan hidup akan sentiasa diberkati Allah SWT selalu!!!

Rabu, 3 November 2010

everything around me remind me of him..distractions pon xberhasil nie!!

Pandang kiri...teringat dekat dia
pandang kanan..pun teringat dekat dia
buat itu.. ingat dekat dia
buat ini.. ingat juga dekat dia
depressed gila kot!!!

depressed macam ni (sila rujuk rajah dibawah) :

Weyh 3249...
apa ilmu u dah kenakan terhadap diriku ini???
bodoh ..BODOH!!

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010

Babe..bila anda stress, a healthy dose of sexy abs and eye-candy faces will always do the job!!

When you are totally stressed out sebab exam tengah berjalan dengan'lancar' dan anda dapat jawab semua soalan exam anda dengan 'sangat baik' maka apa yang anda perlukan untuk melegakan kestress-an otak adalah..

a little bit of this :

sila drool sekarang sambil melihat sexy abs Gerard Butler..
fuh~ 40 % kestress-an hilang serta merta


ditambah pulak dengan :

Asian guys yang sangat cutenakmatisampairasanakkunyah
there, another 30% of stress leaving me~ wee~

another 10% can always be heal by :

ice cream, u s-cream then we all s-cream!!
YUMMY~ let those ice cold creamy delicious cream mencairkan kepanasan otak anda...MEMANG SEDAP!! hahaha

20% yang selebihnya adalah:
bagus anak-anak, cikgu bangga dengan anda..kasut adalah necessities ok, jadi kalau ada kanak-kanak bawah umur yang meminjam duit anda dan beli kasut tinggi warna merah, anda  boleh minta duit yang dipinjam semula kerana...NECESSITIES!!!!
(unsur undang-undang kontrak kena diselitkan jugak)

sekarang makcik, pakcik, remaja, belia, tuan, puan, cik, encik dan anak-anak sekalian
jika anda stress dan ada rasa macam nak bwk pisau potong daging dan pergi bunuh orang,
sila cuba saranan di atas.
2 biji sekali selepas makan, 3 kali sehari.

Ahad, 10 Oktober 2010

mission accomplished!!

sila stress kn pd pemndangan belakang n makanan instead of muka saya yg penuh ngn jerawat tu..
nmpk x perkataan GASOLINE kat belakang tu??
yes!! izan da berjaya menjejakkn kaki ke GASOLINE n makan makanan dorg yg sgt sedap medap gila-gila tu..well ok i over-exagerate..i know!
but mmg kebenaran pon..
n the best thing is, izan dpt makan dengan my 2 best friend..
Fynn n Shaa..
these people able to make me forgot that i need a guy in my life..
makanan diorg mmg worth it la skip class HE, nek KTM dengan org-org yg suka sgt melanggar n bergurau senda dlm KTM mcm la parents dorg ade syer terbesar kan..benci btol!!
but anyway, my mission has accomplished n i even dpt consent from my parents!!
tu yg paling pnting coz when u ade consent utk pegi mne pon from ur parents kan., ur perjalanan akan diberkati..hahaha(fynn, sila muntah skrg jgak)
happie happie happie!!

Khamis, 16 September 2010

have you ever...

have you ever fall in love??
if you do, you will start to see everything is nice and colourful..
everything seems to be complete..
and many people has experience this especially manusia yang kat atas tu
penuh mata dia dengan LOVE..


have you ever..
love somebody but you really hate to admit it..
this feeling kan cam susah sikit je..
sebab u suka dia tp dia main tarik tali..
you hate that you not going to be able to have them and make them yours??
and you x sure whether, die nie betul ke suka kat you atau tak..
one moment dia buat you bunga2 and pastu the next moment die cam buat xtaw je..
you tend to say you hate him but the truth is you love them too much that you did not want to be devastated if they left you...


Ahad, 12 September 2010

Aidilfitri dah tak sama macam masa 8 tahun..

dulu kan, masa umur saya 8 tahun..
satu raya, saya lah orang yang paling happie sampai x ingat dunia..lari sini, happie sana, salam tangan sini, makan kuih raya sana...
duit raya pon dapat banyak gila n baju raya saya adalah baju raya yang paling cantik sekali(well, masuk bakul n angakat sendiri)...

tapi lepas 11 tahun berlalu, saya da jadi 19 tahun...
satu raya da rasa macam biasa aja..happie tu memang la happie, dapat jumpa sedara mara yang setahun sekali ja jumpa..gelak sama2 n puji baju raya masing2..tapi rasa da beza, rancangan kat tv dah xsekelakar dulu..
duit raya pun da berkurangan and mula sedar yang ade orang lain punya baju kurung lagi cantik dari kita punya sendiri...

i'm not sure if it just me or RAYA  memang da x seseronok dulu...
maybe because my sisi xde with me kot..
n lepas cuti nnt terus ada client's counselling...
banyak assumption tentang kenapa aidilfitri 2010 x berapa nak meriah...
tapi biar jela..meriah ke x meriah ke raya tetap raya jgak kan???


Jumaat, 10 September 2010

i'm sooooooooooo dead!!

benda yang Izan kena buat :

  1. post a blogpost in EFL blogpage (really easy thing to do!!)
  2. meet your mentor at Law Faculty ( go to her room and greet her n introduce yourself, how hard coulf it be?)
  3. update all your lecture notes (revised sone of it and read the rest of it from library, PUU is not that huge!!)
  4. get ready for client's counselling.
benda yang Izan dah siapkan :
  1. NONE
  2. NONE
  3. NONE
  4. NONE
TERUK X TERUK??  at this very moment i'm lost!! hahahahahahhuahauhauahua...
can I just quit?? NO IZAN NO..YOU XBLEH QUIT!!

shut up la..it's RAYA!! I'M STILL IN MY HOLIDAY MOOD...

Selasa, 24 Ogos 2010

makanan terbaik adalah di rumah!!

ini bukan la iklan pusat kesihatan atau pun klinik kesihatan kerajaan ye..
memang ternyata bahawa makanan di rumah adalah yang terbaik..


makanan di rumah kualiti terjamin, bebas msg dan perasa tambahan lain dan insyaAllah tidak akan membuat anda berulang alik dari bilik anda ataupun kelas anda ke tandas, kerap!!

I don't know whether makanan untuk sahur atau makanan untuk buka semalam yang da tercemar..
dalam perut rasa xtentu arah gila...
da la puasa pastu kena cirit birit plak..badan pon jadi lemah longlai!

pada para peniaga
silalah pastikan makanan yang anda sediakan itu selamat dan tidak tercemar..
kesian la dekat pembeli nie!!
sampai kelas consti pon terlepas!!
haru jeh!!

Sabtu, 21 Ogos 2010

Telah terungkap nama seorang lelaki di LUH MAHFUZ untukmu...

melangkah ke depan dan meninggalkan dia di belakang,
biarkan dia..


Sabtu, 14 Ogos 2010

hancur hatiku mengenang dikau, mnjadi keping keping setelah kau pergi...!!!

saya paling benci kalau tertidur lepas sahur..
Izan akan wake up dalam keadaan gila grumpy, muka sembab and kepala pening!!!
tapi kalau malam sebelum nya tu dah tidur lambat...I have no other way other than tidur lepas solat subuh..
walaupun hati anda berkeras untuk menjauhkan diri dari bantal dan katil dan selimut anda tu, tapi the moment you habis solat and lipat sejadah n telekung,
the bantal, selimut and katil akan memanggil dan menyeru semangat anda sampai anda lemah semangat dan terus akur dan tidur stok bangun pukul 10.45 pagi..
pastu terhuyung-hayang bangun and terus bukak tv...
tak manis sungguh anak dara zaman sekarang nih!!

ok ok...
berbalik kepada tajuk perbincangan kita..
actually apa tajuk perbincangan kita??? hahaha
owh owh..pasal patah hati...

yes..saya memang tengah patah hati..luluh, hancur jadi berkeping-keping!!
fullstop!!! tak nak cakap apa apa lagi dah...sedih lorh!!!!

Jumaat, 6 Ogos 2010

My favourite month is AUGUST!!!

In a year, you will have 12 month right??
but throughout the year, there always this one month that I really love, 
which is...AUGUST!!
well I just love it, no reason..
ok ok I lied!!
I love august because august is 8!!
8 is my favourite number ever!!
and I was born on august, 8!!
love that date too!!
because its unique!! (hoping that i am as unique as my birthdate!!)haha

And the fact that August, 8 is approaching us soon make me love it more and more..
August, 8 = present from my family, foods, love, hugs, kisses and lots other happie things!!

but I'm turning 19 this year which means, i need to be more mature and start acting seriously in some matters..

but what can we do, everyone grow up and grow old..
it is just another thing that we need to deal with..
therefore, learn to love it!! muahx!! i'm lovin, it!!haha

Selasa, 3 Ogos 2010

Baru sekarang nak bukak kan??? Dulu time Izan ade kat sane xnak bukak kan??

Masa baru masuk UiTM dlu (gila skema uitm nak buat huruf besar semua) 
Saya gila gila nak sangat pergi makan dekat Gasoline Cafe..

so, I told my sister and kata kat dia yang saya nak pergi makan kat sana tapi masa tu yang terdekat is kat Sunway Pyramid, agak jauh la dari UiTM..
Jadi Kakak saye kata, biar dulu, nanti pergi sekali dengan kakak ye..
dia takut adik dia pergi sorang-sorang..
jadi saya pun menunggu dalam kesabaran yang menebal dalam diri dengan harapan kesabaran akan dibayar ganjaran..
namun tetapi, tiba-tiba kakak saya dapat tawaran yang agak mendadak untuk menyambung pelajaran ke luar negara..
selepas mendapat tawaran, dia dan parents saya akan kesana kesini menguruskan 
hal ehwal dia untuk pergi ke luar negara..
lalu janji yang telah dibuat telah di-terlupakan oleh kakak saya
dan harapan yang menggunung dan membukit segala pon runtuh serta merta..
bayangkan betapa sedih dan syahdunya perasaan pada waktu itu??
dah la masa tu da nak dekat raya and saya pulak ditinggalkan berseorangan (exaggerate tu hobi saya)
Sebab parents saya hantar kakak saya sekali pergi Ireland tu.. :'(
tapi kakak saya sebelum pergi dia ada kata, "tak pe nanti ble angah da blek Ireland, Kita pergi!! Nanti angah belanja Izan yea"
huhuhu, happie sementara tapi angah balik lama lagi masalahnye!!

pastu selepas setahun dan saya pon da berpindah pengajian ke UKM,
Arnie, my roommate mase kat UiTM post gmbar Gasoline Cafe yang baru bukak kat IcITY seksyen 7 Shah Alam..
Bengang gila nak mati!!! Cuba la bukak awal awal aritu..
senang la sket nak g makan kat Gasoline tu!! haish!!
nie gambar Gasoline Cafe cawangan Sunway pyramid

Jumaat, 30 Julai 2010

puasa dah nak dekat tapi manusia semua akan mula sibuk shopping untuk hari raya..

Bulan Ramadhan Al -mubarak sudah menghampiri kita,
kejap saja lagi kita akan memulakan ibadah puasa kita bagi semua umat Islam
Izan sangat happie bila bulan puasa sudah semakin hampir..
ada juga yang tak happie sebab masih kena ganti puasa untuk tahun lepas punya..
and sekarang ni, mungkin ramai yang tengah dok pulun habis-habisan makan..
sebab motto mereka adalah, " nanti dah puasa susah dah nak makan"
lawak la mereka ini, puasa sebulan pun nak kecoh
yang lagi 11 bulan yang tak payah puasa tu??

Di bulan puasa ini banyak sangat manfaat yang harus dimanfaatkan..
setiap amalan yang baik akan dapat pahala berlipat ganda dari biasa..
selain itu, kita juga boleh membawa tahap kesihatan kita kearah yang lebih baik..
lemak dalam badan boleh dikurangkan macam makcik kat bawah ini..

kecik dah pinggang dia..
boleh jimat duit, sebab kita hanya perlu beli makanan untuk sahur dan untuk berbuka sahaja..
melainkan kalau anda semua memborong seluruh pasar ramadhan tu la..
itu sudah parah!! haha

Tapi kalau dilihat situasi hari ini (hari ini, tarikh 31.7.2010)
Bulan puasa belum mula kan??
tapi seriously, dah mula kelihatan kelibat mereka-mereka yang sudah mula bershopping untuk Bulan Syawal..
pelik x pelik??
bulan yang nak datang xde pun buat persiapan apa-apa tapi bulan yang lagi depan tu pula persediaan bagai nak rak...
well, actually termasuk la yang menulis ni..huhu

Mungkin, dengan persediaan awal ini, mereka semua ini akan lebih mampu menghayati bulan puasa dengan sepenuhnya sebab dah tak payah lagi pergi ke Jalan TAR bersesak-sesak untuk beli bunga nak buat hiasan mase hari Raya nanti..
dan tak payah dah nak sibuk duk  acu kasut kat kaki anak kecil mereka dan jangan dilupa anak mereka yang dewasa..
and jangan dilupa..
ini adalah kemestian..da tempah or beli dah??
saya sudah, anda bila lagi??

anyway, dah panjang lebar menulis, terasa penat..
jadi saya berhenti disini!! 

Selasa, 27 Julai 2010

remember ladies..susu bukan sahaja baik untuk kesihatan anda, malah sihat untuk kulit anda!!!

Mungkin dengan membaca tajuk di atas, anda mungkin mengaggap bahawa saya akan menerangkan anda kebaikkan susu..kan kan kan???
Kalau itu harapan anda, maka saya harus menghancurkan harapan anda..
kerana saya tidak akan menulis tentang kebaikkan susu tetapi saya akan menulis insiden yang tidak diingini yang telah berlaku pada lewat petang tadi sebelum startnye kelas undang-undang perlembagaan...

apa yang telah terjadi??

 susu tumpah dan saya dan kawan saya, Shaa telah bermandikan susu..
Shaa kena sikit je la walhal saya kena almost separuh badan saya..
maka berbau susu lah saya sepanjang kelas..
kami memang terbaik di dalam memalukan diri sendiri..

lepas itu, lepas kelas selesai, saya pun balik ke bilik lalu saya check balik kulit dimana susu tersebut telah tumpah dan punya terkejut nye saya mendapati kulit yang terkena susu tadi itu bersinar2 dan semakin cerah berseri!! hahaha (exaggerate tahap dewa)

jadi kepada kaum Hawa diluar sana yang inginkan kulit cerah berseri, rajin-rajin kan lah membawa susu kotak ke kelas dan rajin-rajinlah menumpahkannya di atas meja dan tersengajalah kenakan ke badan anda dan kulit anda..Cukup sepurnama, akan bersinar lah kulit anda semua..hahaha
dan akan jd mcm mak cik ni..
yang berpeluh pun keluar glitter sebab byk kali sangat menumpahkan susu ke badan dia sendiri..
selamat mencuba!!

Sabtu, 24 Julai 2010

..Jodoh tu akan datang sendiri, Jangan risau..

once upon a time, during my school day, one of my friend once ask me, 

kawan Izan : Izan, ko ade boyfriend x?
Izan : Tak ade..
Kawan Izan : Sampai sekarang ko x pernah ade boyfriend??
Izan : Tak ade, belom ade yang nak kat aku..
Kawan Izan : tu la ko, cube ko jadi open-minded and pergi bergaul n rapat-rapat dengan lelaki sikit, mesti ade yang nak ngn ko tu..
Izan : So, ko nak ak pegi mengeseh kat budak-budak lelaki tu mcm kucin??
Kawan Izan : tak adelah (then trus terdiam).


FYI girl, i'm not the kind of girl yang jadi perigi keluar carik timba ok!!
malu malu malu malu!!

Rileks la, Allah SWT tu Maha Kaya la babe..
setiap lelaki yang Dia cipta da siap ade orang yang akan jadi jodoh dia or teman hidup n sama jgak dengan perempuan..
mybe now I don't have any boyfriend tapi later on, He who is destined to be mine going to come out from his hiding place and be with me..
no worry!!
btw, to all those kaum Hawa yang di luar sana,.
silalah jaga 'harta benda' anda..although Izan pon kadang2 terlalai sendiri tapi InsyaAllah kalo kita sama2 jaga each other than world will be a better place for all of us right??

Rabu, 16 Jun 2010

how if.....??

how if I don't get to further my study in Law after this..
would my life be way different than this??

how if I did not choose to take law in the first place..
would I be a fashion designing student or maybe a culinary art at this very time??

how if i did not take law..
would my parents will go all around looking proud telling their friends whenever they ask what course that I take if it is not law??

almost everyday for this empty 3 month of holiday these question been suffocating me almost all the time
every hour
every minutes
and every second

when I try to talk to my mom about this stuff, she will simply smile and tell me that I'm gonna get it and don't worry and then she smile again..
her smile make me feel i'm drowning deep into a big blue sea..
i'm scared that i'm going to let her down..
the same thing goes with my brother..
he always want to be a lawyer but he end-up being a trader..but now he seem to be happie with his job and he able to go all around the world..
and now he seems to make me pursuing his dream..

i'm too afraid to talk to my father..
and my sister tell me that i'm just confuse and i'm going to be okay..
she told me that about a month and a half ago..
and yet i'm still not okay..
in fact, i'm getting worse..

I feel really lonely right now..
no friends that i want to talk to..no body that want to listen to me..
just listen..I think that is not a very hard thing to do..
just sit and listen..
you don't need to say a word..


Ahad, 13 Jun 2010

Oh benci gila bila you try to influence people with your stupid ideology!!

weyy bhai..pathetic itu kamu!!

indie enough kah??
Melayu enough kah??
pesal ngan kau nak sibuk nak influence orang suruh ikut ideology bangang kau tu??
klo kau nak suka gila menonggeng dengan band indie Melayu yang konon Melayu gila 100% tapi dressing still macam westerners nyer band itu kau punya pasal la bhai..
tapi jangan la nak kutuk and pastu nak sebarkan bende busuk pasal ape yang orang laen nak suka..

memang la we all Melayu akan selalu jadi Melayu and bro it's a fact la..
tapi bila kau sendiri pon tak tunjukkn ke-Melayuan kau sendiri ape barang bhai??
you go everywhere, semua ceruk and sibuk bagi tau you pakai baju brand TOPSHOP and your seluar yang custom made tu is a budaya from something country yang entah mana entah, I doubt that you are still lacking your Malays spirit..
pakai baju melayu la and menari zapin dulu and then bru you bleh proud pasal ur ke-Melayuan

What?? you say kitorang help in contributing war in some country which I should not state here??
Alah, yang kau dok pelahap sgt makan ber kon-kon sundae McDonald tu n melantak Big Mac sampai buncit tu??
tu ape?? oh maybe when it come to you, it's okay la I guess..huhu

I don't know la ape nak jadi ngn young generations now days..
bru buat sini skit and sana skit lebih then terus nak cakap n canang satu kampung or should I say taman yang dorg tu is way better than the others..
Semoga these kind of people nih will tersedar and kembali ke pangkal jalan..

deep within me,all you could found is empty..

Isnin, 7 Jun 2010

world is spinning round and round and round and again ROUND!!

this morning start like any other day..I wake up as usual, I say bye and sent my dad to the door until his car disappear from my view..

my mom cook fried noodles for breakfast but because my stomach is upset from yesterday wedding ceremony food which I attend at Pahang make me refuse to eat those mouthwatering dish..Instead I have 2 slices of wholemeal bread but I make a very big mistakes which leaves me haunted by regret for the rest of the day..I team up my wholemeal  bread with the poisonous NESLO!! I thought NESLO 3 in 1 drink sachet is contain with 70% of Milo and only 30% of Nescafe as the smell of it is more to Milo smell instead of Nescafe.. BUT I was terribly wrong.. at the very moment I finished my mug full of NESLO, I start to feel dizzy and my upset stomach is much more upset than before. Yes, I am a caffeine intolerence!!

Stupid stupid me!! At this very moment when I writing this post..I am still feel slightly dizzy and my stomach is still upset..I hate coffee n the caffeine that it contain!!

Fine!! No more coffee for me from now on!!

Ahad, 23 Mei 2010

rubbish!! that's my current language..

yes..I'm about to talk rubbish..
Bare with it or you can just click the red button at the right edge of this page..

there is a story about this 3 year old girl who like to pick flower and give it to her grandmother everytime she go to visit her..one day, on her way to visit her beloved granddaughter, she came across a big blue shoes..then this 30 year old guy wear that shoes n suddenly she turn into a beautiful transgender and this guy-turn-girl straight away rushing to the grand ball at the Bloody Mary mansion then he dances with the prince charming however at 1515 hours, this cinderella wannabe rush back to her bakery to bake some sour dough but then she discover that she ran out of jelly so she go back to the mansion and dance again..suddenly she remember that she have an important first date with Andrew. So, she start to eat ice cream and having a major brain freeze so after that the prince charming kiss her passionately and both of them turn ito a frog and start to lay eggs at the loch ness..and they live happily ever after but still they wish to meet eye-to-eye with the loch ness monster..

so end of the story...

Ahad, 2 Mei 2010

Izan xspatutnye buat bende tu!! Oh tidak!!

why Izan?? Why??

knape mesti izan langgar that promise?? promise yg U buat sendri kat urself???susah sgt ke nk resist those temptations??

YES!! GILA SUSAH!! those eyeliner, lipgloss n sunblock tu mcm essentials kn??
a must-have thig right??

so it's like xsalah kn?? lipgloss n sunblock help prevent chapped lip n uva n uvb from damaging ur skin..
n eyeliner help ur eyes look bigger n brighter..so it have a lot of benefit..
so x membazir kan??

GREAT!! Izan xde reason to feel guilty right??
right?? right??


so, case close!!!

Jumaat, 30 April 2010

I wanna be his heartbreaker so bad!!!

being his heartbreaker is my current agenda..!! fullstop!!

Sabtu, 27 Mac 2010

Selamat datang..kat sini kalau beli 5 free 1, beli 7 free 2 and beli 9 free 3..

sekarang ayat tu dah jadi cam keperluan..hahaha..asal org masok je kedai mesti kena greet n serve dorg..

sronok jgak la..saya baru start keje semalam, excited tahap gaban la kan because first time nak kerja...Dunkin Donut!!
kakak yang ajar saya tu sangat cute and baik n hopefully she always stay that way..
adik n kakak yang lain termasuk abang yang ada kat situ pon baik aje..
customer buat masa nie alhamdulillah tak ade kerenah yang menyakitkan hati..
hehe..kesimpulannya saya happie keje kat Dunkin' Donut..although letih tapi still seronok..

Sabtu, 20 Mac 2010

Ouch miss...that's hurt!!

excuse me miss, that one solid word is hurtful.
Are you really my friend?? If the answer is yes, then i suggest you go and do some reality check coz friend don't say such hurtful things to their own friend..

Do you know how you make my heart shattered?? I guess you don't coz you don't even apologize instead you try to conceal it by pointing at somebody else..
Haha, I'm may be naive but surely I'm not stupid!!

GOD!! do you know how much relieved I feel when I say that last word of good bye to you??
What I have in my mind is that, I feel so grateful to not able to see you in the next few month...
You hurt me big time..but don't worry, I make a promise to myself..
What the promise?? Nah!! you don't need to know girl..let it be my secret..hush hush!!

Khamis, 11 Mac 2010

Abang baju kuning...saya nak handphone anda tp bukan anda ye!!!

Okay!! Paper social psychology sudah selamat disiapkan semalam...lepas saja habis paper..dengan penuh bersusah payah dan bersungguh-sungguh, saya bergegas pulang ke Mawar dan pack sume barang yang nak dibawak balik rumah and i'm off to ktm Padang Jawa with teksi yang pak cik driver die suka bagi nasihat free xbertempat..Saya yang still blom dapat gather sume pieces of my brain and soul still lumpy dan jawab "ye", "urmm" and "ye lah" and "betol la pak cik" dengan penuh x bernafsu..
Sampai kat ktm Padang Jawa terus pegi kat mesin elektronik yang kite tekan2 then masokkn duit pastu dapat tiket tp sebab ke-lumpyan saya..saya x prasan yang mesin tu nak duit syiling je..duit kertas die x layan langsung..saye dengan kebengangan dengan kelembapan diri sendiri pon berlalu terkedek-kedek pegi kat kaunter utk bli tiket..tgk kat board tu, die kate train smpai ko 1429, tp last2 die smpai kol 1459 (nak jgak ade sembilan kat hujung tuh!!) sampai train tu saye pon nek dengan excited sebab first time nek train sorg2..saya menggunakan sume plajaran social psychology yang boleh ke atas manusia yang ade kat depan saye...microexpression, eye contact, staring n gazing n whatnot n blablablabla....
tetibe ade seorang hamba Allah yang naik kat stesen angkasapuri klo xsilap pakai baju kuning..muke ok, tinggi, badan pon tegap kan..bleh la dimsokkn kat dalam kategori separa hot n bleh la kalo nak dijadikan bf..huhu
then die pon sumbat die punye earphone dlm telinga macam yang saya tgh buat then layan lagu dengan baeknye...
pastu tetibe die kluarkn hp die..n guess what..he is using the phone yang Izan tersangat la nak...then ape lagi..Izan pon x abes2 pandang die until die pon buat expression yang xbrape selesa( I told u social psychology mmg bguna klo nk tgk prasan org)..
sowie ye abang baju kuning..i'm not interested in you at all but I'm totally interested in your pretty gila gila oink2 punye handphone...tgh saya sibuk melihat dan merenung handphone abang baju kuning tu, ayah saya telefon..risau sungguh dia dengan keselamatan anak dara dia nih..ye la kan first time anak die kene blek umah nek train sorg2 coz ayah xdapat nak jemput coz kena bagi talk kat Kuala Lipis..huhuhu
ayah xapa..anak ayah nih da cukup besar utk berdikari n beli kari makan sendiri...huhu..
sebagai bukti.anak ayah selamat sampai rumah, siap bawak balek macau egg tart yang sgt sedap lagi utk ibu dirumah..huhuhuhu...

well tu je lah kan?? da g bace law 2!!

Selasa, 2 Mac 2010

Saya baru lepas terkedek-kedek hantar bel342 kat Mr Daljit..huhu

Yes saya baru sahaja dan telah berjaya menyiapkan BEL342 saya dan menghantarkannya kepada Mr. Daljit.

actually I already siapkan those 2nd term paper tu on the last week before I went back for study week(yang saya xstduy pon..huhu) tapi because mawar punye printing shop punya computer die punya antivirus tak diactivate-kan, makanya my pendrive has caught some virus which cause my assignment yang telah disertakan dengan penat lelah dan jeritan dan ke-stressan tahap gaban dan kerahan otak yang xberapa bergeliga telah terdelete termasok la some movie yang sangat saya sayang!!!
how do you feel is you already put soo much afford on completing something and it end up ruin for something yang boleh dikire  pathetic????

Sakit jiwa kan rasanya???
so lepas je sampai kat rumah, my otak only focussing NONE OTHER THAN BEL342 assignment!!
Yang buat bende lagi HELL is when I need to start from a scratch..
yes kena cari article blek, then kne buat analysis blek then paraphrase and all those stupid things la..
mulut saya, sumpah x abes2 menyumpah seranah computer kat printing shop tu!!
letih la nak kne kerah otak reka ayat berbunga-bunga kasi sedap baca..
all that I need to do in about 3 day and 2 night!!
Gila x gila!! then kena rushing pegi blek Mawar then blek umah balek..
Haish!! Menyusahkan la all these assignment nie!!!

chill izan chill!!!
better..let watch some telly..huhuhu
n tak payah study utk final exam langsung...muahahaha

Isnin, 1 Mac 2010

I used to have an issue with homosexuality, bisexual but never with heterosexual..

Well you read the headline right?? Controversial?? I know, i know..you don't need to tell me that..
as you read the headline, yes I used to have an issue, in fact a big issue when it comes to homosexuality and bisexuality.
I used to hate those people, but when one of my recent crush (macam lah izan ade banyak sangat crush kan..haha) turn out to be a  bisexual,
my perspective is completely change.
the issue yang wujud sejak bkurun lama tu dah lesap entah kemana..haha
I start to see the positive side instead only looking at their negative side..
good right?? at least I become a more positive and less negative person..
Okay let me give you a clarification of bisexuality.
Bisexuality is attraction towards both sexes, male and female.
a bisexual person can have feeling towards female as well as male.
one of the most well known bisexual at this current time is the magnificent Lady Gaga.
My crush itu sangat la perfect both inner and outer.Good looking,tall,gentleman,soft-spoken,respect people sangat-sangat.
But when he confess to me yang dia itu Bisexual, I rasa macam gila sedih hendak tertonggeng rasanya!!
How a perfect guy like him boleh pula nak attracted to another guy and in the same time you attracted to a girl??confusing kot!!!
I just didn't get it?? WHY?? WHY?? WHY??
NoT fAiR!!

haishh!! Izan do you remember yang your final exam dah nak dekat???
Da ready ke Izan?? Haishh!! Bad Girl!!
instead of studying, you pergi dok whining kat sini about your bisexual crush tu??
again Izan.. Bad girl!!
therefore, I really gotta go..there are books and notes to be read and final exam paper to be answer and pointer to be raised!!!
Wish me luck for my finals!! 

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

sumpah izan cakap..mereka semua suka sakitkan hati izan..!!!

kenapalah dengan mereka2 ini..suka sangat nak sakitkan hati izan??? apa lah yang izan sudah buat kat mereka tu?? sedih je hati ini!!!
kepada yang terasa hati sila lah ubah sikap anda itu ye..

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Dinner oh dinner...

when i got a bad hunch about something that going to happened, it can be said to be almost 99% true..

I have a bad hunch about my dinner..yes the Asasi Undang-undang dinner!

I told you right? that the excited feeling not there anymore and I do not really want to be at the dinner because I feel that it going to turn out sucks.. and unfortunately it does..!!

bad for me!! I spend my money for the clothes which is custom made for me which I dont really satisfied with the outcome of it..but despite the flaws of the clothes, still I wear it to the dinner and thankfully it cooperate nicely..and I even get praised for it (bangga!!bangga!bangga!!)

I arrive at the Grand Bluewave Hotel quite late cause by things and errands that I do not want to talk about..
and it cost me a lot..I don't get seats and there are some high class s**t acting diva and telling us there is no vacancies at their table when we asked..

Thankfully then, Rahmat Hazlan ask those high class s**t and surprisingly, out of nowhere, the seat which is 'so-full' is suddenly free..how suck is that??

I'm glad to have seats and try to enjoy every performance (although kena tadah telinga dan sakitkan mata dengan nyanyian sumbang dan tarian dan drama yang quite ridiculous). Those things is bareable cause it kind of make you laugh but if you need to seat and see those faces yang sangat membengangkan and facial expression which sent us a quick message of " why do you need to sit among us high class s**t?" make it unbareable..hey!! we are not in the same league ok!! I'm way better than you guys although without those slutty short dresses...

I leave that dinner hall way earlier than I should..because we did not really enjoying the night and the food which served and we are starving so my friends and I drive to the nearby Mcdonalds and grab some food and eat it in Dila's hotel room..

I feel sad, regrets and dissapointed!! I don't really enjoy regrets because it will tired you up..but I can't help it but still I'm trying very hard not to make it appear on the surface of my face and conceal it with smiles and laughter..does that make me a fake????

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

can anybody tell me what the men's free figure skating for Olympics Winter Games time of screening at ESPN???

Seriously Izan rasa yang Olympic association should buat their program macam ini :

First, Men's figure skating both free and short program then follow by the women;s figure skating for both short program and free skating too then baru lah buat for pair's figure skating for both categories
(sesuka suki izan je nak re-aturkan program yang all of them sudah buat dengan teliti..hahaha)

My suggestion is based on my frustration because i am not going to be able to watch Johnny weir carved his artistry on ice at Olympic Winter Games which he took part in the men's figure skating..FRUST!! FRUST!! FRUST!!

Men's figure skating is after the Pair's figure skating which the gold and silver medal won by the China's pair and the bronze won by the Germany's pair. I could not make it as my class start on Wednesday!! 
My wednesday turn out to be suck big time as my physical in fully in the class but my soul and mind is fully as well out of the class and terribly concentrate on no other than Johnny Weir.. God!! I am crazy about him!! Then after I finished my boring economy class, I am planning to head back to my room at Mawar and grab some food to stuffed my stomach at Dataran Cendekia until my friend told me that Dataran Cendekia is out of business since our "beloved" degree seniors is having their semester break! So we went to KFC at section 2. I love KFC!! It is simply finger lickin'good!! Hahaha..everything went just fine until a stupid and shitty(excuse my harsh word..but I just can't help it!!) women bump into me and step on my favourite purple color slipper which suit with every attire that i wear and cause it to be PUTUS!! yeah!! Thank a gazillion million billion much to you ladies for making my days even worse!! then I need to walk to a nearby shop and get a temporary slipper which later cause me to be a laughing stock for my classmates as I never ever wear a thong to class before..
they keep on asking, " Izan, kenapa selipar Izan cantik sangat??" or "Kenapa Izan pakai selipar tu??"  
But later that day, my dad called me and he say I need to get home as my dinner custom made clothes is ready and I need to try it on. I was so happie!!

As I reached home, the first thing I did is, I grab the Astroguide and flip it to tomorrow dated page and start to check on the screening time of the Olympic's figure skating.. It stated that it going to be on 5.30 a.m..so despite my tiredness, i set my alarm clock and went to sleep and at about 5.20 a.m, I woke up and straight away heading to the television but there is no figure skating but a stupid football games which I hate a lot!!
Then I return to my room and sleep in disappointment!! 

the next morning, I wake up grumpy but I am looking at the brighter side and decide to download as many video of Johnny Weir from Youtube..huhuhu!! I'm happie again!!
Johnny Weir Rocks!!!